Hardware Transcoding on Base Raspbian Image

Did something change recently? Im running 2023.01.23.1746 and tried to stream remotely today and it failed. I reverted to the old streaming system and it worked a bit better.


What do you mean by failed?

The stream never starts and then times out. Here's what I'm seeing in the log.

2023/02/24 20:47:55.225028 [ENC] Starting encoder for Chicago Fire S11E14 Run Like Hell 2023-02-22-2100.mpg in /mnt/media/Channels/Streaming/file6853-ip10.0.101.2-841318163/encoder-0-2719464760 at 0 (0.000000) (encoder=h264_v4l2m2m, resolution=576, deinterlacer=linear, bitrate=808, segment_size=0.01)
2023/02/24 20:47:55.245135 [HLS] ffmpeg: file6853-ip10.0.101.2:  [mpegts @ 0x34440080] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
2023/02/24 20:47:55.245246 [HLS] ffmpeg: file6853-ip10.0.101.2:  [mpegts @ 0x34440080] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 2)
2023/02/24 20:47:55.245630 [HLS] ffmpeg: file6853-ip10.0.101.2:  [mpegts @ 0x34440080] stream 2 : no PTS found at end of file, duration not set

The web interface is showing:

Watching Chicago Fire - Season 11, Episode 14 from (Transcoder Starting at 904kbps)

(I'm using the Channels app over cellular on an iPhone.)

Just to add another wrinkle to this, I updated my pi the other day to:

vcgencmd version
Jan 5 2023 10:46:54
Copyright (c) 2012 Broadcom
version 8ba17717fbcedd4c3b6d4bce7e50c7af4155cba9 (clean) (release) (start)

uname -r

(Sorry, I forgot that I updated the OS the other day.)

I tried the software transcoder and it plays (a bit jumpy, but seems to work.)

Please let me know what info I can provide for you to help get me (and maybe others) back in business.



I reverted the firmware using:

sudo rpi-update a54fe46c85fd4a2155f2282454bee3c2a3d5b5eb

And appear to be back in business! (I didn't specifically update the firmware, but must have when I ran sudo apt upgrade).

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