DirecTV did work at one time with ADBTuner, but now it works with ah4c only.
could you help me get it with directv on ah4c please?
do you think xfinity stream would be better?
Easier, and you can use ah4c or ADBTuner. ADBTuner is the easier path, while ah4c is more flexible.
XFINITY Stream is best with ADBTUNER.
Best? Easier, but not as configurable
Really there is not much to configure just supply the link Channel name and number.... and the package name which ADBTUNER finds for the user.
Yes it's easier, but let's say you want to send api commands to your encoder to put it into crop mode to deal with the premium channels that have black borders around all four sides when streaming from Xfinity. This is an example of the type of thing you can deal with in ah4c, but not so much with ADBTuner.
Don't get me wrong, I really like ADBTuner, but as an advanced user I use ah4c -- as the possiblities are only limited by your scripting skills. I'd also rate the fact that ah4c is open source as a plus.
That is interesting I really do not use the Premium lower resolution Channels because of this .. maybe I can setup an instance see how it works.
@bnhf Is this the right xfinity .... scripts/firetv/xfinity
Yes, but if you're looking to control your URayCoder encoder via its API, that's something you're going to need to figure out. I've done the work for the LinkPi encoder family, but haven't published it for wider use as yet.
there was one user who commented on this post and said that hulu was not very good when he tried it with adbtuner, does anyone know if that is still the case? Thanks in advance!
Sounds very interesting. I have thought about how I might send commands to LinkPi to be able to change the video mix feed but haven't spent anytime on it at this point. Would love to see how you are interacting with it when you are ready to share.
Adbtuner is irrelevant. For me, as of 6 months ago hulu picture quality in general was horrible. I just learned to live with it until I switched to YTTV. Its not bandwidth related on my side either. I have business fiber and have zero internet issues.
Hulu is hell on earth to use TVE-wise. I'd imagine its the same for using these things too.
I bought the hdmi encoder where can I get the custom channels information to input in either adb tuner or ah4c, I see on github they have some of the channels but how do you get all of the channels? Thanks in advance! I mean like the channel ID and name? etc!!! I would like to use hulu and directv
Check out the adbtuner thread and start at the top. You will have all questions answered.
Thanks what about for ah4c?
Same story, search the ah4c thread. Search for posts about gathering DTV deeplinks. They vary quite a bit by subscribed package and region.
ok thank you