I bought one of these Encoders and am wondering what I can do with it. I'm currently using HDHR Primes and Xfinity CableCARD but interested in what I might be able to add to CDVR with a single of one of these. Thoughts?
I'm currently using a Synology DS220+ w/ATV Clients. I've collected several Osprey DTV for use when CableCARD shutters and bought this to maybe tinker/learn.
I also have a W11 laptop that I could use this for also that I've had CDVR running on previously.
Maybe you can use it with ADBTuner?
I bought one of these cheap on ebay and it's the best encoder I've found (I have three different brands now, have gone through a couple more that I returned). If anyone finds them out there cheap go for it.
I have an Osprey that I thought I'd use and try to get 'The CW' streaming app functional and use this Encoder. I've tried 2 Osprey and 'The CW' won't load after I've signed into the Goo PlayStore, agreed etc. Others launched fine. I don't have devices other than the Ospreys. There were channels that interested me on 'The CW'. I spaced the attempts by 3+ hours and I guess I just wait and try tomorrow? I had never used GPS before today.
I'd be interested in very basic tutorials regarding VM, Docker, Container etc. Conversations here wander and seem to assume they're already understood.
I previously gave you the below response to help direct you towards resources so you can learn this stuff, specifically so you could start with an implementation that will help with everything else downstream. Nevertheless, as a gentle reminder...
Those links are everything you are asking for, so please take advantage of them!