HDMI for Channels

I will try to give test2 a go this evening.

So Far looks good no issues, no blackouts yet to test.
I did update the M3U:

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="3" tvc-guide-stationid="19611",CBS-KYW
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/3
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="6" tvc-guide-stationid="19612",ABC-WPVI
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/6
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="10" tvc-guide-stationid="19613",NBC-WCAU
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/10
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="12" tvc-guide-stationid="24114",PBS-WHYY
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/12
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="23" tvc-guide-stationid="43689",PBS-WNJS
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/23
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="29" tvc-guide-stationid="19614",FOX-WTXF-TV
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/29
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="39" tvc-guide-stationid="24783",PBS-WLVT
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/39
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="57" tvc-guide-stationid="34628",CW-WPSG
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/57
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="206" tvc-guide-stationid="32645",ESPN
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/206
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="209" tvc-guide-stationid="45507",ESPN2
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/209
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="211" tvc-guide-stationid="65025",NFL Red Zone
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/211
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="212" tvc-guide-stationid="45399",NFL Network
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/212
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="213" tvc-guide-stationid="62081",MLB Network
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/213
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="215" tvc-guide-stationid="58690",NHL Network HD
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/215
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="216" tvc-guide-stationid="45526",NBA TV
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/216
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="217" tvc-guide-stationid="60316",Tennis Channel HD
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/217
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="218" tvc-guide-stationid="61854",Golf Channel
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/218
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="219" tvc-guide-stationid="82547",FOX Sports 1
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/219
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="241" tvc-guide-stationid="59186",Paramount TV
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/241
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="242" tvc-guide-stationid="58452",USA Network
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/242
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="244" tvc-guide-stationid="11097",Syfy
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/244
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="256" tvc-guide-stationid="12852",TCM
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/256
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="264" tvc-guide-stationid="18332",BBC America
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/264
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="269" tvc-guide-stationid="14771",HISTORY
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/269
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="274" tvc-guide-stationid="15807",Ovation HD
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/274
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="281" tvc-guide-stationid="31046",MotorTrend
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/281
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="345" tvc-guide-stationid="63717",RFD-TV
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/345
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="501" tvc-guide-stationid="19548",HBO HD East
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/501
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="502" tvc-guide-stationid="59368",HBO2 HD East
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/502
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="503" tvc-guide-stationid="59363",HBO Signature HD East
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/503
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="504" tvc-guide-stationid="19566",HBO West HD
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/504
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="505" tvc-guide-stationid="59368",HBO2 West HD
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/505
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="506" tvc-guide-stationid="59839",HBO Comedy HD
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/506
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="507" tvc-guide-stationid="59357",HBO Family East HD
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/507
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="509" tvc-guide-stationid="59845",HBO Zone HD
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/509
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="618" tvc-guide-stationid="59305",FOX Sports 2
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/618
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="exit" tvc-guide-stationid="",Exit DirecTV
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/exit
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="reboot" tvc-guide-stationid="",Reboot FireTV
http://{{ .IPADDRESS }}/play/tuner/reboot
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OK, great. Your latest dtvstream.m3u is now the master. Let me know if/when you get a chance to test a blacked-out event.

Ok good, I will keep a lookout for a black out and will post if I find any other glitches in normal use


I have got it to open up the Bally Sports app using the ADBTuner but it can’t open to a certain channel. I’m not big on the scripting side of things or knowledge but good a following instructions. Is there a way to open up the Bally sports app (ballysports://) and then a slight 5 seconds delay and then hitting the center button to go live with what’s currently on? How would I go about doing this and is there a start to end instructions?

The NBC app will randomly put a popup on live playback that you have to hit down arrow and select to make go away with the not now selection. The problem is that it is very random and you can go multiple recordings without seeing it.

It does it when the live channel is started, so it is detectable.

Let me know the text that pops up and the command sequence and we should be able to squash it!

Like I said, you look for 'Not now' and then hit down and select.

So the Bally Sports app only has one live channel? And what about guide data (via the M3U), do you know the Gracenote Station ID for that channel?

It doesn't have just one live channel. The channel stops once the thing you are watching live is over. What I tried yesterday with the ADBTuner was to tune to ballysports:// and all I had to do was use the enter button on the remote because it popped up with what was the important thing to watch yesterday which was the Houston Astros vs. Texas Rangers. It would be awesome if that center button action would be automated.

Grace Note Station ID for Bally Sports Southwest is 95973.

Sounds more like On Demand content than a channel. There are lots of apps that have this kind of content, but they don't really fit the linear TV concept of a DVR.

Have you looked at watching this content using another method? For example, in my case, the regional Bally Sports channel shows up in the DirecTV app I use as a traditional live TV channel.

If you're familiar with Docker and Portainer, it wouldn't be difficult to spin-up a container and see what this would look like. But, you would need to do some very basic script work and M3U creation.

There are 4 primary components to this project -- 3 script and 1 M3U:

prebmitune.sh - This script does anything necessary to wakeup the Android device and launch the app.

bmitune.sh - This script does the virtual tuning, either using deep links or remote control emulation.

stopbmitune.sh - This script stops the stream, closes the app and puts the Android device to sleep in whatever combination is desired/needed.

*.m3u - This file contains the tuning and guide data for given source.

For example, in your case, the start script could wake the device and launch the Bally Sports app (the correct package name and intent for Bally Sports is shown in this example BTW):

#! /bin/bash

adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_WAKEUP
adb shell am start -n com.foxsports.dssgo/tv.youi.clientapp.AppActivity

And the tuning script could issue the two commands:

#! /bin/bash

adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN
adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER

And the stop script could return to the home screen and put the device to sleep:

#! /bin/bash

adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_HOME
adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_SLEEP

And then you'd need to create a simple M3U containing the tuning and guide data Channels DVR would use. We can get into that if you decide to move forward.

Has anyone tried this particular device? It seems to only mention camera input, but it seems to check all the other boxes.

Did You Check the price on this I can get an ULRAY 8 input for under $800 just to capture TV shows I might watch once and delete.

It is discontinued and must be bought second hand. It is much cheaper than your solution. My guess is that no one has actually used it for this. Again, it only mentions camera input, but still wondering if it would work. There are no returns on it from the seller, but it's a great price.

Does it Offer 8 Inputs ? Like the one I mentioned ?

no, but his point is, used units can be found for $100 - $200, so if they work, some folks might be interested:

Gotcha ... But if I were to get one I would definitely go for more inputs bang for my money.

I certainly don't need eight inputs. I could live with 2.


A couple years ago, I'm not sure I would have agreed with you, thinking that I shouldn't put all my eggs in one basket. After nearly 2 years of daily use on the 4-tuner model, it's still going strong.

Ahem...well this is cool.
Sounds like progress is being made in getting DirecTV Stream working.
This is good news!
I'm happily using ADBtuner with Fubo and Hulu for now.
I abandoned DTV Stream because there was no way to interface it with channels.
If you get this hammered out, I may dip my toes in the water and take a crack at this.

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