Headless chrome constantly out of date?

I would believe it didn't install. But I can go days checking the support troubleshooting and it tells me it is up to date. I can restart the virtual server it still tells me its up to date. Uncheck that TV Everywhere and re-check it. Then now its out of date on the Troubleshooting page.

I honestly think something rolls it back.

P.S. only reason I noticed it was that my fox channel stopped working again.

~$ cat /volume1/docker/channels-dvr/data/chromedp-version

Maybe the executable is up to date (how to tell?)
But the chromedp-version file wasn't updated

Looks like the files were downloaded, so being used

~$ ls -l /volume1/docker/channels-dvr/data/chr*
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   27 Dec 17 11:06 /volume1/docker/channels-dvr/data/chromedp-version

total 80
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Dec 17 11:03 bin
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Dec 17 11:03 boot
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Dec 17 11:03 dev
drwxr-xr-x 29 root root 4096 Dec 17 11:03 etc
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root 4096 Dec 17 11:03 headless-shell
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Dec 17 11:03 home
drwxr-xr-x  7 root root 4096 Dec 17 11:03 lib
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Dec 17 11:03 lib64
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Dec 17 11:03 media
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Dec 17 11:03 mnt
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Dec 17 11:03 opt
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Dec 17 11:03 proc
drwx------  2 root root 4096 Dec 17 11:03 root
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root 4096 Dec 17 11:03 run
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Dec 17 11:03 sbin
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Dec 17 11:03 srv
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Dec 17 11:03 sys
drwxr-xr-t  2 root root 4096 Dec 17 11:03 tmp
drwxr-xr-x 10 root root 4096 Dec 17 11:03 usr
drwxr-xr-x 11 root root 4096 Dec 17 11:03 var
~$ ls -l /volume1/docker/channels-dvr/data/chromedp-chroot/headless-shell
total 184608
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 189031736 Dec 17 11:03 headless-shell
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root      4096 Dec 17 11:03 swiftshader

I think this is similar to the issue I had. I had to actually insinstall chromium and then click fix and apparently channels installed it on its own. It refused to use the install I did per the instructions.

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The part I am reporting is a different issue. I never installed chrome on my debian os because I am running it inside a docker. I do think that original install with version 89. Troubleshoot page probably does update to 97. But then when you uncheck the local channel and then re-check it. It then calls on it to install the chrome 89 version again instead of checking if a newer version is already installed, or at least that is my hypothesis.

Guessing it's downloading this. Using headless chrome is over my head though.

Yup. They have much newer versions than what channels is using. But I guess you gotta go with what you know works.

Ok. I’ve been sick, and then out of town, but now I’m back so I can answer some of this.

OS Version: Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Chromium Version: 92.0.4515.98~buster-rpt2

I tried entering the command to install Chromium again to see if that would force a newer version to install and it says that this is the most recent version of Chromium for Raspberry Pi OS. I ran an update on my whole raspberry pi system using sudo apt update and sudo apt full-upgrade last night. I rebooted as soon as I did that. Last night it had a green check next to TV Everywhere, this morning it was back to saying it was out of date. I’m on the most recent pre-release 2022.12.22.0210

I do see that there are more recent versions of chromium in general for Linux, but not specifically for the Raspberry Pi OS. I wonder that is part of the issue. I have noticed that there some channels, like Freeform, that won’t work when the Headless Chrome is out of date. However, I also use a VPN because I am outside of the USA so it is possible that could be a VPN issue and not a Headless Chrome issue.

I posit this is the root of your issue. Most media companies blacklist known VPN endpoints.

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Actually I usually have very little trouble with my VPN. The occasional channel, but not much. At least of what I watch regularly. Additionally updating headless chrome usually fixes the issue. Which wouldn’t be the case if it were a VPN issue. It still doesn’t change the fact that Headless Chrome is constantly showing as out of date and needing to be updated. Despite the fact that I have the newest version of Chromium on my Raspberry Pi OS.

Edited to add: In my experience, the only company that puts a real concerted effort into blocking VPNs is Netflix. Most of the other companies really don’t care all that much, even if they say they do. Yes they will block a known IP address if it becomes very obvious that a lot of VPN users are using it, but mostly it’s set and forget, except for Netflix.

I am not on raspberry pi but... I had the same issue with Ubuntu server. I had to uninstall Chrome and disable snap all together (if you search the forums for snap @racameron had a link for the commands to disable) Then click troubleshooting and tell channels to fix chrome. Channels will then installed a version of Chrome that it likes and now all is well. @tmm1 said that if you don't have Chrome installed channels will take care of it for you. However if you still have snap enabled then it will screw up the entire process. I have zero experience with raspberry pi so my suggestion may not hold water..

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Ok. I’m coming back to this because now I have a specific example of when a channel wouldn’t connect, I checked and headless chrome was out of date, I updated, and then I was able to connect to the channel. While I do use a VPN, I made no changes to my VPN settings during this time, I was connected to the same server. So if it was a VPN issue, updating headless chrome shouldn’t have worked. Here is a pasting of the logs for the time period. The channel in general was SyFy.

2022/12/31 11:41:48.383176 [TVE] action=auth mvpd=Comcast_SSO requestor=syfy
2022/12/31 11:41:52.926327 [TVE] action=version product=HeadlessChrome/92.0.4515.98 jsVersion= protocol=1.3 revision=@564abd8de2c05f45308eec14f9110a10aff40ad9
2022/12/31 11:41:52.928596 [TVE] action=navigate url=https://sp.auth.adobe.com/adobe-services/authenticate/saml?noflash=true&mso_id=Comcast_SSO&requestor_id=syfy&no_iframe=true&domain_name=adobe.com&redirect_url=https%3A%2F%2Fsp.auth.adobe.com%2Fadobe-services%2FcompletePassiveAuthentication
2022/12/31 11:41:52.939474 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=https://sp.auth.adobe.com/adobe-services/authenticate/saml
2022/12/31 11:41:54.184671 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=https://oauth.xfinity.com/oauth/authorize
2022/12/31 11:41:55.464479 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=https://login.xfinity.com/login
2022/12/31 11:41:55.464627 [TVE] action=auth_domain domain=login.xfinity.com
2022/12/31 11:41:57.634557 [TVE] action=wait_for_page
2022/12/31 11:42:02.137725 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=https://oauth.xfinity.com/oauth/authorize
2022/12/31 11:42:02.476365 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=https://sp.auth.adobe.com/adobe-services/oauth2
2022/12/31 11:42:06.006509 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=https://sp.auth.adobe.com/adobe-services/completePassiveAuthentication
2022/12/31 11:42:06.006649 [TVE] action=authed
2022/12/31 11:42:06.006739 [TVE] action=wait_for_page done=true reason=auth_finished
2022/12/31 11:42:06.034162 [TVE] action=cookies num_domains=2 num_cookies=21
2022/12/31 11:42:06.051269 [TVE] action=error_response type=Document error=net::ERR_ABORTED url=https://sp.auth.adobe.com/adobe-services/completePassiveAuthentication 
2022/12/31 11:42:11.956048 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6054: TVE: notAuthorized
2022/12/31 11:42:13.267715 [HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch6054-dANY-ip192.168.132.127: TVE: notAuthorized
2022/12/31 11:42:13.267921 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch6054-dANY-ip192.168.132.127
2022/12/31 11:42:19.515192 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6054: TVE: notAuthorized
2022/12/31 11:42:21.016100 [HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch6054-dANY-ip192.168.132.127: TVE: notAuthorized
2022/12/31 11:42:21.016307 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch6054-dANY-ip192.168.132.127
2022/12/31 11:42:27.572623 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6054: TVE: notAuthorized
2022/12/31 11:42:28.988004 [HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch6054-dANY-ip192.168.132.127: TVE: notAuthorized
2022/12/31 11:42:28.988300 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch6054-dANY-ip192.168.132.127
2022/12/31 11:42:31.048707 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch6054-dANY-ip192.168.132.127
2022/12/31 11:42:33.894277 [TVE] stream timestamps: syfy: start_at=2022-12-31T11:41:00+09:00 end_at=2022-12-31T11:41:48+09:00 live_delay=39.577253133s
2022/12/31 11:42:33.894940 [TNR] Opened connection to TVE-Comcast_SSO for ch6054 SYFY
2022/12/31 11:42:33.938716 [HLS] Starting live stream for channel 6054 from (bitrate=9016)
2022/12/31 11:42:33.945442 [HLS] ffmpeg: ch6054-dANY-ip192.168.132.127-remux:  pipe:: could not find codec parameters
2022/12/31 11:42:33.948274 [TNR] Closed connection to TVE-Comcast_SSO for ch6054 SYFY
2022/12/31 11:42:36.953203 [TRS] DNS: OK: Resolved host via system DNS
2022/12/31 11:42:37.931359 [TRS] Cloud Reachable: OK: Connected to community.getchannels.com
2022/12/31 11:42:38.561721 [TRS] Local Time: OK: Local clock is accurate
2022/12/31 11:42:38.562070 [TRS] TV Everywhere: ERROR: Chrome version is out of date: HeadlessChrome/92.0.4515.98
2022/12/31 11:42:38.756685 [TRS] TV Everywhere DNS: OK: Resolved TVE authenticator via system DNS
2022/12/31 11:42:39.839951 [TRS] Guide Provider: OK: Connected to guide provider
2022/12/31 11:42:43.766108 [TRS] Remote Access: ERROR: ac0bb0b5db6a.u.channelsdvr.net is pointed at but the current IP for this system is
2022/12/31 11:42:44.267561 [TRS] Disk Permissions: OK
2022/12/31 11:42:57.654474 registry.ping url=https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/
2022/12/31 11:43:00.147924 registry.manifest.get url=https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/fancybits/chromium-armv7l/manifests/latest repository=fancybits/chromium-armv7l reference=latest
2022/12/31 11:43:02.615996 registry.blob.download url=https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/fancybits/chromium-armv7l/blobs/sha256:07320de5da6bb708b6d53d6b2785c8d243d54a12708344df7b354fad9285ad3a repository=fancybits/chromium-armv7l digest=sha256:07320de5da6bb708b6d53d6b2785c8d243d54a12708344df7b354fad9285ad3a
2022/12/31 11:43:06.130302 registry.blob.download url=https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/fancybits/chromium-armv7l/blobs/sha256:d3730e270e14b2c6097eab031f2e3963a44f093c187772a1df0028dd19e13b8c repository=fancybits/chromium-armv7l digest=sha256:d3730e270e14b2c6097eab031f2e3963a44f093c187772a1df0028dd19e13b8c
2022/12/31 11:44:28.739421 registry.blob.download url=https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/fancybits/chromium-armv7l/blobs/sha256:8271e078713a7049c437d790928493b86f9b3b15b591ec4679b2868e2f94c0c9 repository=fancybits/chromium-armv7l digest=sha256:8271e078713a7049c437d790928493b86f9b3b15b591ec4679b2868e2f94c0c9
2022/12/31 11:44:32.916899 [TRS] DNS: OK: Resolved host via system DNS
2022/12/31 11:44:33.859058 [TRS] Cloud Reachable: OK: Connected to community.getchannels.com
2022/12/31 11:44:34.485341 [TRS] Local Time: OK: Local clock is accurate
2022/12/31 11:44:34.485533 [TRS] TV Everywhere: OK
2022/12/31 11:44:34.684152 [TRS] TV Everywhere DNS: OK: Resolved TVE authenticator via system DNS
2022/12/31 11:44:35.690729 [TRS] Guide Provider: OK: Connected to guide provider
2022/12/31 11:44:39.576027 [TRS] Remote Access: ERROR: ac0bb0b5db6a.u.channelsdvr.net is pointed at but the current IP for this system is
2022/12/31 11:44:39.667320 [TRS] Disk Permissions: OK
2022/12/31 11:45:13.513645 [TVE] stream timestamps: tbs: start_at=2022-12-31T11:35:07+09:00 end_at=2022-12-31T11:44:57+09:00 live_delay=9.560620317s
2022/12/31 11:45:13.514381 [TNR] Opened connection to TVE-Comcast_SSO for ch6033 TBS
2022/12/31 11:45:21.742371 [SNR] Buffer statistics for (Andrea Boltz’s iPad) for ch6033 TBS: buf=0% drop=0%
2022/12/31 11:45:21.773154 [TNR] Closed connection to TVE-Comcast_SSO for ch6033 TBS
2022/12/31 11:45:44.835493 [TVE] stream timestamps: tnt: start_at=2022-12-31T11:35:42+09:00 end_at=2022-12-31T11:45:30+09:00 live_delay=7.94946426s
2022/12/31 11:45:44.836365 [TNR] Opened connection to TVE-Comcast_SSO for ch6035 TNT
2022/12/31 11:45:53.915864 [SNR] Buffer statistics for (Andrea Boltz’s iPad) for ch6035 TNT: buf=0% drop=0%
2022/12/31 11:45:53.963126 [TNR] Closed connection to TVE-Comcast_SSO for ch6035 TNT
2022/12/31 11:46:04.064394 [TVE] stream timestamps: usa: start_at=2022-12-31T11:44:36+09:00 end_at=2022-12-31T11:45:24+09:00 live_delay=33.06638113s
2022/12/31 11:46:04.064677 [TNR] Opened connection to TVE-Comcast_SSO for ch6052 USA
2022/12/31 11:46:14.395402 [SNR] Buffer statistics for (Andrea Boltz’s iPad) for ch6052 USA: buf=0% drop=0%
2022/12/31 11:46:14.439095 [TNR] Closed connection to TVE-Comcast_SSO for ch6052 USA
2022/12/31 11:46:20.405188 [TVE] stream timestamps: syfy: start_at=2022-12-31T11:44:48+09:00 end_at=2022-12-31T11:45:36+09:00 live_delay=37.860160034s
2022/12/31 11:46:20.405717 [TNR] Opened connection to TVE-Comcast_SSO for ch6054 SYFY
2022/12/31 11:46:30.369864 [SNR] Buffer statistics for (Andrea Boltz’s iPad) for ch6054 SYFY: buf=0% drop=0%
2022/12/31 11:46:30.419929 [TNR] Closed connection to TVE-Comcast_SSO for ch6054 SYFY

And I have submitted the logs. 1a7e198b-0082-4971-84f5-271008fad09c

I really just don’t get it. I use Xfinity for TVE (I know, Xfinity, but it’s what I have access to.) The VPN is clearly not causing the headless chrome to be out of date. It’s the same version of chrome every time which is, as far as I can tell, the most recent version of chromium for Raspberry Pi, 92.0.4515.98, and if it was just a VPN issue, updating chrome shouldn’t fix the problem with being able to connect to some channels. ABC is a lost cause, they are the only channel in my list that seems to regularly catch on to VPNs, so I just deal with that in other ways when it’s blocked. That being said, if you look at the attempt to connect to SyFy, at first it looks like it could be a username/password issue, because it just comes back as not authorized. As soon as I update chrome that stops. So idk what is going on at this point, but it definitely seems to be a headless chrome issue.

I don’t know which os you are running but the latest chromium on pi os bullseye is:

pi@pi:~ $ chromium-browser  --version
Chromium 104.0.5112.105 Built on Raspbian , running on Raspbian 11

If you are using the channels image with outdated chromes May be it’s time to switch os

Edit: from an earlier post you say you are on buster. I would update from buster to latest which I think is bullseye

Have you tried uninstalling chrome and disabling snap and then do the troubleshooting? Click fix chrome and it should install. That's what I had to do. It kept telling me mine was out if date and it didn't work until I did that. Using the channels version of Chrome is the only thing that works for me.

If that doesn’t happen when you do full-upgrade, I’ll have to look it up, because as far as I knew that was all I had to do to update my raspberry pi.

As for snap, I don’t have that. It’s not on Raspberry Pi automatically, and I’ve never installed it.

Edit: Found the instructions. Now to find my Micro SD card reader so I can make a backup.

The troubleshooter checks for versions <97 and shows the warning.

If chrome 92 is the latest available on your OS and your channels are working, then you should just ignore the message.

1 Like

Still happening with v2023.01.16.0217 running in the Channels DVR :tve docker container

2023/01/15 19:33:48.776998 [TRS] DNS: OK: Resolved host via system DNS
2023/01/15 19:33:49.228548 [TRS] Cloud Reachable: OK: Connected to community.getchannels.com
2023/01/15 19:33:49.354509 [TRS] Local Time: OK: Local clock is accurate
2023/01/15 19:33:49.354655 [TRS] TV Everywhere: ERROR: Chrome version is out of date: HeadlessChrome/89.0.4389.72
2023/01/15 19:33:49.435174 [TRS] TV Everywhere DNS: OK: Resolved TVE authenticator via system DNS
2023/01/15 19:33:49.840793 [TRS] Guide Provider: OK: Connected to guide provider
2023/01/15 19:33:49.840894 [TRS] Remote Access: OK: Remote access not configured
2023/01/15 19:33:49.841647 [TRS] Disk Permissions: OK
2023/01/15 19:33:56.890688 registry.ping url=https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/
2023/01/15 19:33:57.813710 registry.manifest.get url=https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/chromedp/headless-shell/manifests/97.0.4692.56 repository=chromedp/headless-shell reference=97.0.4692.56
2023/01/15 19:33:59.515111 registry.blob.download url=https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/chromedp/headless-shell/blobs/sha256:ffbb094f4f9e7c61d97c2b409f3e8154e2621a5074a0087d35f1849e665d0d34 repository=chromedp/headless-shell digest=sha256:ffbb094f4f9e7c61d97c2b409f3e8154e2621a5074a0087d35f1849e665d0d34
2023/01/15 19:34:04.128357 registry.blob.download url=https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/chromedp/headless-shell/blobs/sha256:9b14f784f92a19552c6301741f4299a599c5ddd79c4d2343f449baabc840079b repository=chromedp/headless-shell digest=sha256:9b14f784f92a19552c6301741f4299a599c5ddd79c4d2343f449baabc840079b
2023/01/15 19:34:05.284553 registry.blob.download url=https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/chromedp/headless-shell/blobs/sha256:a315ff4312e7298a86768350b0385281a5532eb1f8497f4680de8e3189a07894 repository=chromedp/headless-shell digest=sha256:a315ff4312e7298a86768350b0385281a5532eb1f8497f4680de8e3189a07894
2023/01/15 19:34:14.844421 registry.blob.download url=https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/chromedp/headless-shell/blobs/sha256:8a83912a086faffe21f33bc6cb5a881bcb61ff7a23d0b8bfa9198fe9ddb54dd9 repository=chromedp/headless-shell digest=sha256:8a83912a086faffe21f33bc6cb5a881bcb61ff7a23d0b8bfa9198fe9ddb54dd9
2023/01/15 19:34:15.968036 [TRS] DNS: OK: Resolved host via system DNS
2023/01/15 19:34:16.218502 [TRS] Cloud Reachable: OK: Connected to community.getchannels.com
2023/01/15 19:34:16.341540 [TRS] Local Time: OK: Local clock is accurate
2023/01/15 19:34:16.341626 [TRS] TV Everywhere: OK
2023/01/15 19:34:16.366356 [TRS] TV Everywhere DNS: OK: Resolved TVE authenticator via system DNS
2023/01/15 19:34:16.449501 [TRS] Guide Provider: OK: Connected to guide provider
2023/01/15 19:34:16.449611 [TRS] Remote Access: OK: Remote access not configured
2023/01/15 19:34:16.450781 [TRS] Disk Permissions: OK
2023/01/15 19:35:00.934475 [TVE] Auth starting for Spectrum as usertest
2023/01/15 19:35:01.283296 [TVE] action=auth mvpd=Spectrum requestor=nbcentertainment
2023/01/15 19:35:03.009472 [TVE] action=error_response type=Other error=net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME url= 
2023/01/15 19:35:03.014315 [TVE] action=version product=HeadlessChrome/89.0.4389.72 jsVersion= protocol=1.3 revision=@3f345f156bfd157bd1bea06310e55f3fb2490359
2023/01/15 19:35:03.018492 [TVE] action=navigate url=https://sp.auth.adobe.com/adobe-services/authenticate/saml?noflash=true&mso_id=Spectrum&requestor_id=nbcentertainment&no_iframe=true&domain_name=adobe.com&redirect_url=https%3A%2F%2Fsp.auth.adobe.com%2Fadobe-services%2FcompletePassiveAuthentication
2023/01/15 19:35:03.022037 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=https://sp.auth.adobe.com/adobe-services/authenticate/saml
2023/01/15 19:35:03.347768 [TVE] action=wait_for_page
2023/01/15 19:35:03.452728 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=POST url=https://tve.spectrum.net/openam/SSOPOST/metaAlias/charter/idp
2023/01/15 19:35:03.452800 [TVE] action=auth_domain domain=tve.spectrum.net
2023/01/15 19:35:10.543203 [TVE] action=page_ready
2023/01/15 19:35:10.543290 [TVE] action=wait_for_page done=true reason=page_ready
2023/01/15 19:35:10.543330 [TVE] action=fill_form u=usertest
2023/01/15 19:35:10.581944 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="spectrumLogin"
2023/01/15 19:35:10.717701 [TVE] action=wait_for_auth timeout=30s
2023/01/15 19:35:40.721220 [TVE] action=auth_timed_out
2023/01/15 19:35:40.721326 [TVE] action=screenshot
2023/01/15 19:35:41.118843 [TVE] action=screenshot size=43398
2023/01/15 19:35:41.167644 [TVE] action=capture_html
2023/01/15 19:35:41.226015 [TVE] action=capture_html size=124639
2023/01/15 19:35:41.342411 [TVE] Auth failed for Spectrum: Cable provider authentication failed
2023/01/15 19:38:52.889494 [TRS] DNS: OK: Resolved host via system DNS
2023/01/15 19:38:53.399506 [TRS] Cloud Reachable: OK: Connected to community.getchannels.com
2023/01/15 19:38:53.519828 [TRS] Local Time: OK: Local clock is accurate
2023/01/15 19:38:53.519981 [TRS] TV Everywhere: ERROR: Chrome version is out of date: HeadlessChrome/89.0.4389.72
2023/01/15 19:38:53.564864 [TRS] TV Everywhere DNS: OK: Resolved TVE authenticator via system DNS
2023/01/15 19:38:53.984415 [TRS] Guide Provider: OK: Connected to guide provider
2023/01/15 19:38:53.984560 [TRS] Remote Access: OK: Remote access not configured
2023/01/15 19:38:53.985335 [TRS] Disk Permissions: OK

Spun up a new TVE docker container, updated to latest prerelease and still getting the same result.
It's not using the latest headless chrome that it downloaded.
Logs have been submitted as 6140fc83-4ffc-4820-969f-429ea7cb8382

I've published a new fancybits/channels-dvr:tve container to dockerhub with the latest chrome

Woo Hoo! [TVE] action=version product=HeadlessChrome/109.0.5414.74

Do I need to migrate my Synology Package install (It's still on 97.0.4692.56) over to a Docker Container to use the new chrome version?

This Docker Container was able to authenticate Fox local channel, FS1 and FS2.
The Synology Package install running on the same NAS using chrome 97.0.4692.56 fails to authenticate them

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