Help improving performance

In system preferences --> spotlight, you need to tap on privacy, and select where your DVR dir is.

I suggested to the devs that this setting might be a suggestion for all, but never got a response.

Made this spotlight change also. Maybe I am maxing out the DVR with 5 concurrent recordings (as a test). And doing commercial detect. But with this going on the playback of other recordings and skip ahead is VERY slow.

My disk is formatted Mac OS extended (journaled). Is this correct?

It does seem to be on I/o issue. I am Mac mini M1 with 8 cores.

Any other ideas?

I'd start by turning off your import scan. It's optional and can't be helping.

Ah - i just noticed now that your drive is only 5GB - is it USB2, and not USB3? That would explain it being very slow.

Thanks for all the help. My drive is usb 3.0. See below for specs. Where do I turn off import scan? I am looking in settings and cannot find it.

in " Local Content" there should be some directories set up there. Maybe you have a circular reference?

I have some other content on the same drive as my this what you mean by circular reference? I do have another usb drive that I can use for local content.....sounds like I should move it do this other drive?

I would keep your scan directories as narrow as possible. By “circular “ I mean something being scanned for import and being written to by the DVR.

For now, honestly, I would disable the local importing to troubleshoot.

Are you sure you have comskip set to use only 3 threads?
Reason I ask is your performance monitor shows it taking 8 threads.
What does it look like on the DVR web UI for # of threads?

I found if you use the comskip API to set it, it may not appear on the web UI.
I think the web UI only displays 1 to (#cores -1). On my quad core NAS it shows 1, 2 and 3.
With my quad core NAS setting it to 4 via the comskip API doesn't display in the web UI.

You can check a recent comskip log file to see what setting it used.

I am having a buffer issue. Any ideas.....I don't see anything in activity monitor.

I have an older internet switch.....maybe that is the issue?

In addition to CPU, look at Disk and Network.
Recording and watching recordings are both Disk and Network intensive.
Comskip is CPU and Disk intensive.
Daily guide updates are CPU and Disk intensive.

Both Disk and Network look ok.

I am getting buffering without any com skip running.

I am starting to think I have a bad drive…..I tried copying from it and the copy is running very slow.

I believe the 1 client is the DVR trying to record to disk and the disk can't keep up with the source stream.

Thanks….what do you mean by ‘1 client’?

I am going to swap out to another drive.

And here's one where it was the network switch.

Another one, disk related

Thanks for all this….trying new disk soon and probably updating network switch.

My gut says disk is going bad. Everything has been working well with no other changes.

Since you are are wanting to use a drive that is going to get a lot of usage and maybe constant usage you might want to consider looking at a NAS grade drive. Yes, it's going to be more expensive but should be better for your use case. honesty if you find our current drive to be bad, you prob can buy an internal NAS HDD and install it in the current WD enclosure. if you are that savvy that is.

Thanks for everyone’s help here… was definitely a drive that was was having some performance issues….perhaps failing. Upgraded the drive and r/w speed and buffering and all other issues are gone….also turning off spotlight helps.