HLSTube feed not working

I have added the docker container and testing the feed through VLC and getting the feed there but when I input it in and go check the feed it says it could not parse the playlist and shows 6 channels instead of 1. I put the url as http://localhost:8080/ whatever the YouTube url is. I must be putting in the url wrong or is there something else I am doing wrong. Not well experienced in doing these types of setups. I did the Pluto docker wonderfully without any help but I am stuck on this one.

What is the exact YouTube url and the exact url you're entering into channels?

Any url with localhost would only work if the docker was running on the same server as the dvr.

For the hlstube url you would need to add the YouTube code at the end.

Are you sure 8080 is the correct port? I'm using 8080 for the Pluto container, and port 8383 for HSLtube. And so, for my hlstube docker setup, the URL format that works is this:


(where x.x.x.x is the IP address of my Channels DVR server where the HLS docker is also running, and xxxxxxxxx is different for each live YouTube video.)

Your url is also missing the "/_/" part before the YouTube URL. Also note that this only works on live YouTube video URLs, it doesn't work on regular YT videos and it doesn't work on playlists. Here's a working example to experiment with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dx5qFachd3A

I got it working now by your reply but for some reason I am not able to record just watching the live stream. This is a stream that comes up at the last minute 30 mins before and I updated the link to record. In theory this is what I would like to do. What could be causing not to be able to record?

@tmm1 & @Fofer

I've used this for webcams, music and livestreams that run continuously. They don't have guide data. I have no desire nor expectation that these would be recordable via Channels DVR. And so I've never tried it. [shrug]

Feeds without guide data cannot be set to record.

Is there a way to build a fake or some type of filler data so that I can record or is that not possible? @racameron

There is a way to create a recording rule based upon a particular date/time, but creating a complete guide to allow for recording is a whole different breed of beast.

If you're interested in the basics, here is a thread to get you started; if you want to extend it into your own "Custom Channels", that's an exercise for yourself: