HLStube - streams stop working

I installed HLStube on windows docker yesterday and added a few live streams via custom channels, live wildlife feeds, news channels and so on. After a while, the feeds stop working in Channels and either show a connection lost or unable to fetch playlist message. The live streams are still up if I look on youtube, and if I paste in the hlstube URL from my custom channels playlist into a browser it seems to reactivate the stream in Channels.

Has anyone else experienced this and found a solution?

Hey Naonak, hlstube author here. I've experienced what you're describing a few times myself. Can you please open an issue over at GitHub with logs from around the time of the disconnect? We'll get this figured out. Thanks! https://github.com/jnewland/hlstube/issues/new

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Hey! Will do, cheers

Hey interested in this. Dont live YouTube urls change after a while. Is HLstube able to adapt to that ?


I am also noticing the same issue as the OP
ie. The YouTube url hasn't changed but after a while eg. overnight Channels is giving me a forbidden error. If I play the same url in the browser on the docker/channels server that seems to fix this and the stream via Channels works again

Some more info on this:
It doesnt seem it has anything to do with playing it on the browser. If am persistent through channels and keep trying, the stream, that is all of them start working again. So not sure if the server stops resolving the address or whether its a permission issue that is temporary.

I'm hitting the same issue; channels log shows 403 forbidden when trying to stream hlstube url to youtube live stream. Any tips?

I was getting the same errors.
The Kister method works fine on the same stream, no errors.

Appears that hlstube is deprecated and no longer supported

go2rtc is really solid.

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hlstube was great while it lasted, Thanks Jesse @jnewland

thanks, for now i've replaced my localhost:8080/_/youtube.com/watch?v= with https://kister.net/mpl/yt2m3u8?w= in my m3u files and seems to be working

does go2rtc work with youtube? didn't see a youtube module

Hey @chDVRuser thanks for the note! :blush:

While I haven't confirmed any of this, my hunch is that we can probably get go2rtc to generate a stream that Channels can consume by using its echo handler and yt-dlp with the -g option:

thanks @jnewland! the echo handler works.

  1. download go2rtc, yt-dlp, ffmpeg binaries
  2. create some script to call yt-dlp to get the m3u8 url, add "ffmpeg:" to the front of the url and "#video=copy#audio=aac" to the end, for go2rtc. powershell example...
$url = $args[0]
$m3u8_url = C:\Users\ryanc\yt-dlp.exe -g $url
Write-Host "ffmpeg:$m3u8_url#video=copy#audio=aac"
  1. create a file go2rtc.yaml and put in same directory as go2rtc binary. call the script we just wrote with echo:
  twit: echo:powershell.exe -command C:\Users\ryanc\go2rtc_win64\get-m3u8-url.ps1 https://www.youtube.com/@twit/live

  bin: C:\Users\ryanc\bin\ffmpeg.exe
  1. run go2rtc
  2. use this url in place of the old hlstube one: