How do i delete an hdhomerun tuner from dvr

What the title says :slight_smile: I added an hdhomerun tuner over a vpn connection to my parent's house and i am unable to delete it now and i need to keep disabling it on every install i do. How do i permanently delete it?

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You have to restart the DVR server software

Perhaps i don't understand - there is a trashcan icon next to it and i when i hit it it just deletes the location information
I have restarted the dvr server since then and it doesn't dissapear

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If there is no guide info associated with the tuner, then it is essentially removed from the DVR. When the DVR starts it will always scan the network for any HDHomeRun tuners that it can discover.

You can now just ignore the tuner, as Channels will ignore it, too, until you assign guide information to it.

(If you want to really ensure that Channels cannot discover the tuner, then you can go to the extreme and unplug the tuner.)

I know this is an old post but I had the same problem and could not get rid of the failed tuner listed on my Channels Server. The above was right it was not causing any issues, just drove me crazy looking at it. Restarting my Synology Channels Server did in fact work and thank you it is now gone. I really love this system and I’m glad there is a forum so I can get help when I need it. It is the old Tech Support quote: “Shut up and reboot!” :slight_smile:

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