How long will the old Channels DVR Beta Function

Now that the new Apple TV version is in test, how long with the old version function. It is no longer showing in TestFlight. Will it expire shortly, or will it continue to be able to be used?

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This is really important. I would love to be part of the ATV Beta but it would be difficult to give up the DVR Beta. Especially with the Fall TV Starting in September.

Your notes say that the DVR Beta will start in the Fall. That could be October.

Please let us know what you plan to do so we can make plans.

Lastly, I am happy to give up on the SD DVR Beta for a “Alpha” Channels DVR. I would not expect much. I am pretty easy to please. Just let me manually schedule some TV Shows and TV Series and I will be happy while you are improving it. And I have a Mac, Synology or WD NAS. Whatever is easier for you to provide is ok with me. Even happy to have a manual FTP Download and manual install. Anything would be ok with me. Thanks for your consideration.


To me it appears that Channel’s SD DVR Beta will disappear in ~16 days, as the new Testflight Channels ATV Beta has overwritten the old (SD engine based DVR).

I, for one, hardly use SD’s “hot mess” of View apps nor the Kodi add-on, even though I have devices for all of the platforms they offer (except Samsung TVs, now in jeopardy due to a recent SS upgrade). Every new SD update “breaks” some functionality, which is limited at best.

The playback functionality on every SD platform is atrocious. Some very basic design elements are flawed. However, the engine does provide excellent recordings and is reliable.

I hope I am wrong about the expiry date, but in any case, some of us long time users & testers are apprehensive about losing the excellent DVR capabilities that Channels provided in the “old Beta”, and on which we still depend.

I’m sure all of us have some type of backup plan, but do not want to be forced into using for the interim…between above possible expiry date and new Channels DVR Beta.

I’m totally with Mike on this, I’ll take a very skinny “Alpha” version. You two have proved to us in the past that you will strive for the highest excellence in implementation and that you will “overachieve” your goals. And in record time.

In the meantime, please let us know if you will be able to extend our temporary solution or if we need to plan for another alternative interim solution.

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Also with Mike and Debbie. I love what you have been doing, but thought we would be able to hold on to the basic capability in the old beta until the new backend was released. I will be sticking with the existing version until it stops working. If we can become some early alpha testers for the new backend. I am happy to do that and won’t be complaining about any of the pretty things as they develop into a release quality product…


Hey everyone!

We just posted an update about this on its own post. You can read more about it here.


More than happy to be an alpha tester and put in the leg work you need. fully understand the conditions.

Same here. I’m a glutton for punishment.