Hulu TVE: Big chunks of channels not available

I believe the latest release may have solved this after all. Thanks.

Is your problem still resolved using the latest?

To my knowledge, I have no missed recordings over the last 7 days.

Just for the heck of it, I went ahead and tried to tune a Discovery Channel just now, and it took it a good 30 seconds to authenticate, but finally did and worked. I see other services are struggling with Discovery right now, so I'll submit diagnostics - maybe it will help.

I had issues with Magnolia channel (Discovery Networks) for quite some time Magnolia recording failed no login form found
Once I migrated to the new Channels DVR TVE docker that uses chrome v109, it's been working (knock on wood).

Just thought I'd mention that I had another week with no failed recordings on 2023.02.12.1626. No issues with the Discovery networks, at least none that I'm aware of.

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