ICS Calendar stopped updating with certificate error

Just today, I noticed that the Channels calendar is no longer updating on my Mac and shows a certificate error. Any thoughts on how to fix this?

Maybe related?
Incorrect date/time will cause certificate errors

The date and time on my Mac are spot on. Here’s a screenshot of the error I’m getting. This just started within last day or so…

I'm assuming some things here.
You're using iCalendar or the like on your Mac.
You told it to get an iCal feed from your Channels DVR Server running somewhere.
What url did you subscribe to for the calendar feed?

If it's this
you can expect that error since the domain doesn't match the one in the certificate ############.u.channelsdvr.net

If your Mac and the Channels DVR Server are on the same network, use this for the iCal feed url

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You’re a genius my friend! Works like a charm. Thanks so much… :grinning: