Image selection issue with TV Shows

I am not sure if I am just missing a step or option somewhere, but I have noticed that if I have a particular show that I have run "fix incorrect match" and changed it the use TMDB to pull in the metadata, afterwards, if I then try and update the image it will only pull options for the images from TMDB, therefore leaving only the option to choose a poster.

The only way to work around it is to change the "fix incorrect match" back to Gracenote, then the update image option pulls from Gracenote and you can then select a 4:3 image and then go back again and run "fix incorrect match" and change it back to TMDB to get the correct metadata again for the episodes.

It will at least retain the last image that was selected, so the 4:3 image stays after you do all these steps.

Am I missing some other way of doing this or is it a bug?

I noticed when you fix match for a show using TMDB, it doesn't get the show summary or artwork, only the episode information. IIRC, they don't get it from TMDB because the artwork is the wrong aspect ratio.

Right, but after you have done that, then try to go back in and update the artwork, it only pulls up poster sized images from TMDB instead of the placard size that is standard for TV Shows in 4:3 aspect.

Like this:

It should give the option to pick art from Gracenote.

Ahh, never tried that. Does seem like a bug.

We can't fetch the art from gracenote after you match it with tmdb, as we don't have the gracenote identifier anymore, because it's now been matched with TMDB.

There's some things we can do to make this better, and we've been planning it for a while, but it's slow going. For now, this is how it is.

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Ok, thanks.

The latest pre-release will now show Gracenote results in addition to TMDB results for picking show art after you've matched it with TMDB.


Dang, sometimes you guys are so fast to change things it blows my mind. Thanks for implementing this one.

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