International Guide Data

This is seconded by me

Data does seem to have improved, but still not anywhere near 100% accurate. Can we have an option to get the guide data from the dvb feed? I realise there might not be as many pretty pictures, but at least we’ll be able to trust the data.

We are sourcing our own guide data for our DVR service which should be much more accurate, and definitely plan to fall back to DVB data (just like Channels does on Apple TV today).

Note, however, that our initial DVR will be US-only while we get the base set of features working. As soon as things are working well for US customers, we’ll circle back around and start adding other countries (prioritizing based on demand).

Hi, you mentioned guide data will need to be paid for so does that limit it working in other countries outside of the US? i.e: New Zealand?

The DVR will initially be US-only, but we plan to add support for as many countries as possible. Priority will be given to locations with the most customer demand, so please do fill out our DVR survey with your location.

If you currently get EPG data inside the Channels app, chances are high that Channels DVR will support your tv provider as well.

Oh no! That’s a real disappointment. Here’s hoping it doesn’t take too long to expand into the other HDHR supported countries.

Hi. Thanks for the reply. I can confirm that I currently get guide data in the channels app in NZ. So sounds promising it will work.

Yeah for me also a dissapointment, were can we see a priority list of countrys

Oh no not again the UK gets no love

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When you say “priority” is there any estimate or target set for the first US Alpha or Beta ie 3months, 4months etc?
And is there a similar estimate that can be given for the UK?
Or are we looking at 12-18months timescales?

No estimates yet… there’s a ton of work in writing a full blown DVR from scratch, and it’s very hard to predict which parts will take how long.

I will say though, Channels did not exist at all 6 months ago. When the first version was released, it didn’t support legacy devices, didn’t support DVB guide data, didn’t work with mpeg4 streams, didn’t have play/pause. Now all of those features and more exist, and we have thousands of happy users using Channels every day.

We started development on Channels DVR only a few weeks ago, but things are moving quickly and we are already using it for our own personal recordings. Once we’ve finished the base set of features, we will start the beta program. And once the major bugs are fixed through beta testing, we will start adding support for more countries.

Thanks for the information. Status information/ communication with the community is important. Providing frequent progress information, even with less than great progress, is better than the way SD has handled it. SD’s silence has caused a loss of confidence that they will produce anything workable.

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In the UK we have to pay around £150 a year for a licence to own a TV. Yes that’s right my none UK friends, UK viewers have to buy a licence in order to own a TV. It’s crazy.
However this may help channels out. I’ve found various free apps in the UK that have a grid guide which covers 7 days worth of TV viewing. I think they can use the grid guide here for free as the BBC (who charge us for the TV licence) make the grid guide and guide data open source here as we’ve already paid for it.
I’ll PM a few shots of the apps that do it if anyone from channels wants to investigate this? I maybe wrong, but if I’m right, can we have a discount in the uk lol

Yep i can second this - apps like tv player and TV Catchup are some examples

In Australia is one of the strongest players at $7/month. I used it for many years through WMC and it was highly accurate and reliable

My longtime WMV boxed died late last year and I had been researching endlessly where next. When I stumbled across the HDHomeDVR project and get channels on the new apple tv with recordings stored on a NAS i was very excited and backed the HDHomeRun DVR project. I got onboard Channels for Live TV and have been very happy with the quality of LIVE TV and the UI, the quality of the guide data for australia has been poor.

When I heard you were going to do the DVR option on your own i was excited as I have been disappointed in SD’s progress to date and on the flip side you have been delivering incremental updates regularly. However i then read US only and went back to disappointment. Please work hard and quickly on the US release so you can get onto expanding functionality to support Australia.

PS don’t worry about the UK do them after Oz :slight_smile:

We’re closer, Oz can wait lol

Hi yea must say how disappointed I was when I found out this was starting us only I think it’s safe to say you have quite the international audience
Please reconsider your roll out plans
+1 UK :grinning:

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Will there be a metadata provider? To my knowledge many countries don’t have anything special in the DVB-stream and only the show name and some other information. This applies atleast to my country.

Basic EPG data is freely available across Europe and Australia via the DVB stream, but as @damstas mentioned, this does not include always include metadata (like season/episode number and original airdate) which is required to build a DVR (for instance, if you only want to record new episodes of a show).

The DVB stream also does not include any images, which makes it tough for us to implement the rich visual experience we are aiming for with Channels. There are a few companies which provide metadata and images, but as UK users are well aware the accuracy can be very hit or miss.

Rest assured, we are spending a lot of time looking into this and want to provide our international customers with the best experience possible.

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