iOS App Reverse Proxy


First of all I am loving channels DVR for my home tv setup and thank you to the developers for the great work.

I have channels DVR setup with a reverse proxy due to passing my docker container through a vpn. Using the reverse proxy I can access the webUI remotely without issue after inputting an authentication code.

I would like to use the same url on my iOS apps (iPad and iPhone) however I can’t get it to accept the url.

Am I missing something or do I need to enable some kind of reverse proxy mode?

Thanks, Mark

We don't support this kind of setup. You could use Tailscale instead which is tested and supported.

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You could also do something like I did. Authenticate iOS app with authorization code instead of - #8 by curtiss

I don’t get what the resolution is. If I have Channels in my docker host serving me via proxy on 443, how do I enter the url into the iOS app.

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