Iptv services

Anybody have luck with these paid iptv services? I can't seem to get the m3u playlist to work

Another thread on the topic:


IPTV is not endorsed, supported, etc by ChannelsDVR (CDVR) community.

That being said I will give a couple pointers. From there you are on your own

You must edit your m3u files (M3U4U)
CDVR does not support VOD channels
CDVR supports max of 500 channels per M3U
You will need your own EPG. Either your IPTV service provided or you buy from a site like epg.best

I cannot recommend any IPTV service. If you live in a first world country, its probably illegal.

IPTV sources are unreliable and constantly get taken down. Do not prepay for a year.

That being said I do use IPTV to get Paywall stations into channels. So it can be done. Just dont ask for support each time your iptv breaks. Which is often.

CDVR is about legal sources.

OTA (Antenna)
TVE (Philo, YTTV, Hulu Live etc)
Playon Cloud

If you want to go IPTV maybe look into Tivimate. And talk to the crazies on troypoint. Good luck with phishing scams and trojans.