Is if possible to use Plex meta data for TV library?

Many of my TV shows ripped from original DVD’s are mussing meta data. My Plex library us 100% complete. Is it possible to scrape my existing Plex meta data or some other method of finding this missing data? Manually entering it would be way too tedious…

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Did you try using the Fix Incorrect Match option on the show with missing metadata?

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Yes, unfortunately I get no results found.

Did you try using TMDB do you have a sample of the series name.

Here is an example of one episode which shows no meta data for the entire series.

The Pink Panther Show - S01E01

You can also use filebot. It will process a dir and batch rename everything after doing a lookup for each title on tmdb. Works awesome... its windows only so if you sre a linux user like me, i just create a network share on my ubuntu server

Unfortunately, this will only work on movies. Imported movies use TMDB by default, but TV shows are limited to only using Gracenote.

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Just to be clear, movies are matched via IMDB, while TV shows are matched via Gracenote? If this is the case, the only solution would be to manually enter meta data for each title?

Filebot uses the tvdb for tv shows. Its not gracenote but ive never had it not work. The results must be very similar. Channels usually never complains about any import i do.

Well the data is there for TV Series it is up to Channels DVR developers to use it.

Imported Movies default to TMDB, but you could fix match with Gracenote.
Recorded Movies use Gracenote.
Imported and Recorded TV Shows use Gracenote.
It's been mentioned they're looking into other ways to match TV Shows, so it's on their radar.

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Thanks so much for clarifying. I guess I’ll just hang tight for now…

You can key in the tms id SH014196870000 in the search box if using the title doesn't find any matches.
Check that link above and you'll see the Episode Guide shows everything under Season 0, which is why it doesn't match. Gracenote issue, been there, done that here Cannot fix incorrect match on local content import - #6 by chDVRuser and here Local Content import and Fix Incorrect Match strangeness - #4 by chDVRuser

Couldn’t TMDB be used to match TV shows too? That’s what plex does now if you use their default service. Or The TVDB? I just recently decided not to keep my plex database also here in Channels (it was too confusing for me in terms of trying to remember what needed to have commercials removed using MCEBuddy and what didn’t). I had problems with incorrect matches to when I had my stuff imported. Gracenote has some episodes labeled incorrectly of certain shows (ER for example) which made it even harder. I find that The TVDB or TMDB are both more accurate in terms of the episodes and the order they aired.

As explained, there’s technical reasons and we’re working TO make it happen.

It's slow (though that could be a misconfiguration on my end) but have you considered MCEbuddy?

Yeah, I’ve used this in the past with some success, however I’ll probably just wait until Channels migrates to TMDB. Thanks for the suggestion.

My project I have been working on this week is renaming all my files using FileBot. I set my parameters to include year in file names. It makes picking the correct match a lot easier. Especially since lots of movies/shows use the same exact name. And it imports some meta-data and subtitles and pictures using post processing.

So far it has made manually matching content on Channels a lot easier. Prior all my file names where scattered, inconsistant etc. I had to manually match most of my content. However since all my files are actualy named properly now. Channels has had much better luck matching titles without me having to "fix incorrect match". Not 100% perfect. But it is making a big difference.

So even if Channels DVR does not use TVDB for tv series. Having all your files properly named has made a huge difference in my ability to quickly match shows automaticly. That being said, for things not in Gracenotes you still have to manually type in the meta-data.