Is there a good way to differentiate these sources?


Is there anyway to have a unique identifier here? I think they appear in order of how I have them in the list in settings for the server.

I would recommend using Channel Collections. Are you wanting them Id'd for recording purposes? If so you can set source priority in Web UI. Under sources found, click on the gear and select adjust priority.

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He didn't say, but I'm guessing that screenshot is for Channel Collections

This is the list of sources in server side settings for setting priorities. And yeah, I agree this is a pain.

I’ll add their unique identifier so that you can tell them apart.

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I have an entire separate HDHomeRun Prime just for my parents so they don't tie up the one for my house, I'm trying to make sure they only use that one and lockin to that one, but I keep finding them on mine and I can't tell which one is which lol. It's a little confusing. I think I swap them around but I end up not doing so, idk if they move around in that list or not.

Having the settings open on the client right infront of me, and changing the settings on the server for my client, I can see that there's no specific order and these move around. So I have like,

If I take one out and it removes A, then I put it back, it moves A to the bottom of the list I think, so if I want to then remove B, thinking B was the bottom one from before and remove that, it removes A again.

This is a two-part issue.

  1. To restrict their live viewing from using the second Prime, you can disable the additional device from the Settings > Manage Sources option in their client apps. This way, their apps will never request the stream from the additional Prime.
  2. Recording is going to be a bit more difficult, as the DVR server handles the recordings, not the clients, so you can't really restrict a recording/pass to a particular source, just a channel number.

Sources (including their priority, favorite/disabled channels, and whether the entire source is even available) are separate settings from the DVR and the client; they are independent of one another.

The only aspect of sources for clients that can be managed by the server is the priority/order, and that is from the Clients > Client Settings > Server Side Only > Inherit Source Priority setting.

Right, I'm trying to push the setting down, so they can't even select it from the client app(accidentally if they wander in there). The end users are not technically proficient to put it nicely.

No one will be recording, all parties involved are only interested in this for live tv, which sounds counter-intuitive for a DVR product :slight_smile:

This is not currently possible. You cannot selectively enable certain sources for certain clients via the server.

You can manually set their clients to use TVE and a single Prime, disable the second(/your) Prime, and then put the client into Kiosk mode to disallow them from making changes.

But the exact situation you are looking for right now is not possible with a single shared DVR server.

If you are using Apple client devices, you can even enable the option to completely disallow recording from their clients, too.

You can also ensure "Tuner Sharing" is disabled, so when they select a channel from the Prime, there is no chance that the DVR server will delegate a tuner from your Prime if all of their tuners are in use.

This is doing what I want... once I figure out which prime is which. Not sure I was explaining what I wanted to do properly.

No, you were. I was explaining the same thing. However, for some reason I missed the "Sources" option, and thought it was still only on the clients.

(I also think Jon (@maddox) misunderstood which screen/option you were referring to, which added to the confusion. Well, now that we're all on the same page, I too vote to have that menu display the DeviceID. Now that we're all talking about the same things, I'm glad you figured it out.)

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I was completely clear, and even mentioned it?


Well, bugger! I guess I just have no reading comprehension skills today. That, and I'm probably conflating multiple threads.


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Latest pre-release now shows the device ID for HDHRs.


I've never had a feature request materialize so quickly! You are the best.

Thank you!

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