fe9b1747-8a87-4513-85bd-364163c2240d submitted
What does the exception say?
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Image')
Can you take a screenshot of the entire page?
no, as it has my ipv6
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Image')
Still happening. Just submitted 610d3938-e96c-4490-b5b9-aaad30fbe54f as fresh diags
Can you please provide a screenshot, we don't know where you are on the site that this is happening. You can just leave the address bar out so it doesn't show your address, or edit it out.
Or at least provide the url in the address bar of the page you are on, and edit out the IP address.
Please also provide an updated version of the error output. JS errors are not logged as they happen on the browser.
A lot of changes have happened in 4 months, so the line numbers in your error posted in February are not relevant anymore.
Error comes back when manually selecting to skip a recording from DVR --> Schedule
Unfort my victim this morning aged out, so I'll post a shot the next time i get one.
Was this scheduled item from a Series pass? Or was it from an Advanced Pass?
OK. It looks like there was an attempt to fix this back in February, but it wasn't done exactly right.
The latest pre-release should resolve it. Please report back if you see it again.
Seeing this again. Just submitted 31db7f80-04c9-4e3d-addc-f8b0bc43a565
Screenshot below - top line error is Cannot read properties of null (reading 'Time')
Thanks for the prerelease here, but it only did half the job.
Good news - the javascript error is gone
Bad news - the recording doesn't get set to skip. The recording disappears from the schedule page after hitting skip, but it is back on the next reload of the schedule page.
Your 'bad news' has been happening to me for months. It works on some recordings, and doesn't on others. I emailed the dev back and forth a few times but it never got resolved. Hope you're able to get them what they need to fix this for good.