Live TV Pause Buffer\Duration

This is was one of the many features that made SageTV genius. The code is open source these days so if channel dev are interested they should go check it out or lurk around the forum.

Basically anytime you watched something SageTV would treat it as if you were recording irregardless if you explicitly set a show to record or not. New files were always cut as you went from show to show. They even had it that you could start a show switch to another channel and then flip back to the original show and the original buffer would still be intact (remember it treated everything as a recording). If the user didn't explicitly set a show to Record a cleanup process would run that would delete the show from disk. Another added benefit to this paradigm is your buffer basically was never limited and you could record shows that you were watching in the past (provided they didn’t get cleaned up). I really Miss sage... Those guys were really ahead of their time with their server and extenders architecture.


Another benefit would be similar to how one of the other DVR systems works. The buffer is stored centrally so that if I watch a show in the living room and pause the live view I can then go in to the bedroom and tune to that same show but I am given a prompt to either start live or start where I paused in the living room.

This would be preferable, but they've stated they'd need to rewrite the software to accommodate this.

They recommend just starting a recording at that point to accomplish essentially the same thing.

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I am having same issue only pauses for 10 minutes and I have a terabyte of storage on my Synology

The pause buffer is on your client device, not the server. Most Android/Fire TV devices have 4GB or less of free storage, which makes for a paltry live buffer.

I am having same issue only pauses for 10 minutes and I have a terabyte of storage on my sy
now I see the response it is a fire tv limitation.

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Rockandroller70 got it right. I put a 2tb ssd in an external enclosure.... formatted as internal...moved the Channels app. to it, and the buffer is over an hour and counting now.

What a terrible design, as much as I hate Plex, because they don't seem to fix or develop Live TV/DVR anymore, you can pause live TV indefinitely (if you had a had drive with infinite space on the server).

You can pause on the client indefinitely if you attach such a hard drive.

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I just recently noticed that pause on the client (FireTV) lasts more than 15 minutes as in the past. I have also noticed, it fails when the next show starts.