Looking for cost-effective replacements for our 3 Roku's that work well with Channels DVR

The Onn does a few things that GoogleTV and Firestick doesn’t. The voice search will return results from your Channels DVR Library. It shows a line of live Channels DVR TV shows from the Home Screen. It will also power up to the Channels DVR App, meaning you can turn your TV off at night and it will power up to that same channel in the morning like a traditional TV.

Android has PIP and most of the features you post above for Apple TV .. The developers have done a great job supporting Android based devices (FireTV and AndroidTV) ... The OP did say cost-effective.

I thought it would be helpful to share. I bought Google TV/Chromecast, Onn, and Firestick, trying to find the best functionality for my usage. Maybe the next guy won’t have to buy 3 or 4 devices to learn what each does. In the end the ATV was the best for my needs. That won’t be the case for everyone.

I’m curious about the PIP for Android. I read an article saying Android was working on PIP for the near future, but it wasn’t available yet.

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PIP is available for android I use it on my FireTV devices ... also a great feature they worked on and made excellent progress is being able to use HLS for low storage devices where you can set on the server a 4 hour buffer.

It's good to know the PIP works on Android. I had to try it. The Google TV/Chromecast was my only device that didn't support it. That functionality really does make the Onn a great streamer at that price.
Are you talking about chaning the home streaming quality off of "original quality" to force the stream to the sever?

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You need the latest BETA
Under Settings-DEBUG-Always use HLS turn to on.

Then on the web-interface ...

That's a great feature, and doesn't tax the server with decoding. Before deciding to go with ATV units, I spent $50 adding memory to a Google TV device. It worked, but it introduced a small delay/pause occasionally.

I was a Roku guy. We still had TiVo boxes have had TiVo since late 2000. My wife left kicking and screaming. I recently found channels and invested in 3 Apple TV 4K boxes. Just learning channels but love the Apple TV interface. Still have my streaming services.