Lowest internet speed?

Am at a remote location for a few months. My bandwidth is maybe 2 mbps. Have others been able to maintain functions to record a single stream with that low of a bandwidth ? What happens when the stream crashes because of disconnection? Does CHANNELS crash?

I only have 10mbps internet. As long as connection is stable and can record/stream fine.

Concerns with 2mbps would just be lower quality for internet ststions (TVE). Would not affect OTA stations.

If the 2mbps is stable with minimal interuptions, drops I think it would work for 1stream of 720p at a time. How is online streaming/videos currently on that connection? It should be about the same in Channels DVR

Online videos with NETFLIX is still functional. But Netflix has proprietary streaming compression (have been told). I always try to run everything at 480p or 720p when I get low bandwidth; to maintain functionality. Works 70% of the time.

I see in another thread you setup one of the custom channels. Do those stream ok?

As far as how TVE will work. Each station is retrieved directly from that broadcasters website. So its not going to all be the same. Some stations might offer more compression then others. Sadly there is only one way to find out.

If connection speed is issue. Definatly get a antenna + hdhr. It diesnt need internet bandwidth. Its usually better video quality then TVE and more reliable (based on signal strength to station)

If your close to broadcasters you can use a crappy $20 antenna. If your not near broadcasters you might need to mount antenna on roof and get a better high quality antenna. But this will be dependent on signal strength at your location.

Of course. Went down.that direction first with good success. Have a good antenna.

If you can run the Channels DVR server back home where you have ample bandwidth, you can record as normal and only stream to your current location using the transcoding capability of Channels to lower the playback quality (for the web player). I am not sure how Channels will play with a streaming app on a low bandwidth connection, but the web player can be forced to downgrade the stream and it will work fine.

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Here's my experience with a poor connection, although it wasn't as bad as you are going in to: