Trying to add my playlist to channels and it does not find any channels? Anyone else come across this? I was able to use another m3u editor but it costs money and I’m using a trial. Main issue is trying to get it to use my own channel numbers from the playlist and can’t figure it out with the new editor.
I was experiencing the same, and was about to start a thread here about it, but did some searches first. I found this thread about the EPG from m3u4u not pulling in, and @tmm1 updated the Channels DVR server to be able to work with it:
For the cleaned-up channel listing itself I've tried pasting the link (screenshot below) both with and without the .m3u suffix on the URL, but neither works in Channels DVR, it reports 0 channels regardless.
Downloading the file (or pasting the contents as text) would work I presume, but then it's a static list that can only be manually updated. Ideally Channels DVR could also work natively, with the copied/pasted link so it could automatically update when changes happen.
This is my first time using m3u4u so I'm not sure what else to try. Hopefully others can chime in with ideas.
I wonder if this is related to no longer having epg for Samsung TV content?
Very doubtful. These issues are unrelated as Samsung TV+'s m3u and guide data aren't sourced from at all. Best I can tell, links for Samsung TV+ are the most common method. Apsattv has also mentioned his updates are on hold as he's moving so I suspect these will get fixed when he's available.
Yup. Those are the ones I'm using. Might have to go with the dockers method for now. Thanks for the update.
The "docker method" for Samsung TV+ uses the same source URLs, it doesn't add anything extra to the process aside from another layer/variable that could break. The developer of that docker said as much here, it was only created as a test to learn from, there's no benefit to the end user:
Regardless, it looks like this was just a temporary glitch. I refreshed/downloaded Samsung TV+ M3U and XMLTV epg, and at least for me now, Samsung TV Plus channels are working again.
..,but again, this has nothing to do with's playlist format and compatibility with Channels DVR anyway, so hopefully this gets this thread back on track.
Is there an error in the logs?
I just tried again, to add the m3u via Custom Channels as "Test," and do see this, in the logs:
2022/03/21 14:10:15.994104 [ERR] Unexpected m3u response for Test: 429 Too Many Requests
2022/03/21 14:10:15.997453 [IDX] Pruned 0 expired groups from X-M3U in 110.834µs.
So it appears to be a rejection from m3u4u, for some reason. I will say, I've only tried this 2-3 times and that was last week. Today was the first time I tried all day, and the first attempt failed. I'm not sure "Too Many Requests" has anything to do with me or what. I also donated to m3u4u last week so am not on the "free" plan (even though the site doesn't make any mention of restrictions on number of requests on the free plan.)
Anyway, I'm not sure what else to try, if this is a problem solely on m3u4u's server, how its meant to share its URL, or if I'm doing something else wrong.
Maybe helpful? m3u4u: 429 too many requests - githubmemory
When adding a new source, the DVR attempts to check if the m3u is valid. That succeeds, but triggers a rate limit so the next request to actually load the channels fails.
I've fixed this behavior for the next prerelease build.
All is back to normal now. Thanks!
Thanks, it's working for me now, very much appreciated.
A few times I've experienced the "429 Too Many Requests" error again, but on the next hourly check, it worked fine. I had been manually checking to test it out, that probably triggers the rate limit too. They're pretty strict about this and understandably so.
Anyway, this is great, welcome integration with the useful m3u4u tool, so thanks for fixing it.
I've actually been using m3u4u and Chanels DVR for quite a while now, and it's worked perfectly for me. Since the pre-release update yesterday that "improves" m3u4u with Channels, my IP has been banned by m3u4u for "too many requests in a short period of time". Never had this issue before the update. @tmm1
Yikes, that doesn't sound good! Now I'm wondering if I should remove my custom channel setup with m3u4u before my IP gets banned too.
There were no changes that would cause anything like this. I'm guessing you're hitting the regular rate limit because you reloaded the m3u too fast.
My IP has been banned for the third time in two days by m3u4u for flooding the system with too may requests. I am not manually refreshing the m3u. This never happened once until upgrading to pre release v2022.03.21.2231, now it's a huge issue. I'm emailing logs to the support email to see if you guys can figure it out.
Where do you see this and what exactly does it say?
I may have figured out the issue. I had an inactive m3u list as a source that kept trying to refresh since it was getting no response from m3u4u. I think that was triggering the "too many requests" to m3u4u. I deleted the inactive source and hopefully that did the trick.
It was a message in my inbox when I log into my m3u4u account. I think I solved the issue though, as it was user error on my part. Sorry for the mixup.
Hi all. I know the thread is old but I have received the below and M3U4U support doesn't reply or has decided not to help. I even donated to them which adds to the frustration.
Your IP ('#########1') was banned because you were flooding our services with too many requests in a short period of time. Please contact to be unblocked.
You'd have to contact them on their Discord to fix it, upper right-middle of their home page.
As for you flooding their services, that can easily happen if you try to pull in guide data more often than every 3 hours MAX per playlist.
It can also happen, IF you are setting up a NEW playlist, and you fumble around and hit UPDATE too often, too fast.