macOS 10.11 prerelease issue

Since Locast went bye-bye, I'm trying to figure out the locals. I checked the box for locals from TVE under the experimental features. All 4 majors show up as available with my Spectrum credentials. Fox and ABC are working as they should. CBS is like the video is choppy or stuttering (this is the only channel that has ever done this to my knowledge). NBC just gives me a "Playback Failed" message. Is there anything more that I can do, or is this just the way it is?

Does it work on

Are you on the server prerelease?

I tried to update to the pre release since I read in another post about that helping. The update seems to download and install, but when it says it is restarting, it never comes back up. I ended up having to reinstall channels. I’m on a Mac, btw.

Please submit diagnostics from your DVR (Support > Troubleshooting > Submit). Hopefully the logs from the failed upgrade are still in there.

I see you're running macOS 10.11. I suspect something may have broken there after BETA: Backend runtime upgrade (v2021.08.28.0245)

Please submit diagnostics so we can get to the bottom of this and fix it.

Logs have been submitted as 695381dd-f3da-49c5-b262-7cccc7fcf187 . I hadn't considered that I was using an old version of Mac OS. I'm running channels on an old iMac that the screen went out on. CBS has somehow righted the ship and is working great now. NBC is the only major network I'm missing. So close. Thanks for the help!

Unfortunately the logs only go back to 9/3

If you could upgrade to prerelease again, then send [email protected] the following file:

/Users/MacMini/Library/Application Support/ChannelsDVR/data/channels-dvr.log

Is there a reason I dont get local Fox? I can watch it from the website when I used my xfinity login. WSVN In Ft Lauderdale if that makes any difference.

In most markets, Fox does not do live streaming via TVE. They simply do major events during prime time slots. This is incompatible with the way channels handles the TVE system, unfortunately.

What about NBC. Fox is working fine, as are CBS and ABC, but NBC just gives me the playback failed screen.