Manual Recording Feature

I am not using the API. I am using the Advanced Pass feature.

But there is NO documentation on what needs to be entered the in TIME field.

I posted 2 answers. The first was specific to the time formats used in Channels' webUI fields, which is exactly what you asked for. (It does require reading some technical documentation.) The second was about time formatting for manual recordings. (Conveniently, that is also the topic of this thread.)

In your screenshot it shows "Friday 8:00pm" as a placeholder. That is the expected format.

So you could use any day of the week and time combination in the same format:

Monday 10:00pm
Wednesday 3:30pm

See also:

Full list of supported matchers:

I did a short manual recording earlier.

I can see it in DVR > Manage:

It is present on the disk:

All good but...

I don't see it in Library > TV Shows > Recently Added:

This is on the server and I also confirmed the same with a client (visible on the "Recordings" screen only).

Is it normal? Maybe it is. I don't remember if that was mentioned before.

What did you use to create the manual recording?
I normally don't use OliveTin (I use my own scripts), but just tried with OliveTin and it works.

Screenshot 2024-08-10 at 17-21-36 Channels TV Shows
Screenshot 2024-08-10 at 17-21-01 Channels Browse TV Shows

Also works when selecting to record as a Movie

Screenshot 2024-08-10 at 17-28-23 Channels Movies
Screenshot 2024-08-10 at 17-28-55 Channels Browse Movies

Thank you for your reply.

I implemented the functionality in javascript so that it can be used with a Chrome extension right in the browser.
I never got OliveTin to work properly on my Windows machine so I'm trying to create an alternative option.

It is strange that the recording worked but it didn't show up in recently added.

I'm wondering why that is.

Would you mind showing the file details that shows the json attributes (airing data, program ID, etc.)?

Maybe I'm missing something.

I'll have to dig up my old Python script to see if I get the same outcome.

for TV Show this is what OliveTin reports, but I'm assuming that's what it received in response, not what it sent
Standard Output

  "ID": "1723335360-ch9003",
  "Name": "Manual Recording",
  "Time": 1723335360,
  "Duration": 360,
  "Channels": ["9003"],
  "Channel": "",
  "DeviceID": "",
  "RuleID": "",
  "Serial": 0,
  "FileID": "",
  "Skipped": false,
  "Failed": false,
  "Dead": false,
  "Error": "",
  "Airing": {
      "Source": "manual",
      "Channel": "9003",
      "Time": 1723335360,
      "Duration": 360,
      "Title": "Manual Recording",
      "Summary": "Manual recording created with OliveTin for Channels",
      "Image": "",
      "SeriesID": "manual/9003"
  "UpdatedAt": 1723335337765

It should have sent this

  "Name": "Manual Recording",
  "Time": 1723335360,
  "Duration": 360,
  "Channels": ["9003"],
  "Airing": {
      "Source": "manual",
      "Channel": "9003",
      "Time": 1723335360,
      "Duration": 360,
      "Title": "Manual Recording",
      "Summary": "Manual recording created with OliveTin for Channels",
      "Image": "",
      "SeriesID": "manual/9003"

for Movie this is what OliveTin reports, but I'm assuming that's what it received in response, not what it sent
Standard Output

  "ID": "1723336020-ch9003",
  "Name": "Manual Recording",
  "Time": 1723336020,
  "Duration": 360,
  "Channels": ["9003"],
  "Channel": "",
  "DeviceID": "",
  "RuleID": "",
  "Serial": 0,
  "FileID": "",
  "Skipped": false,
  "Failed": false,
  "Dead": false,
  "Error": "",
  "Airing": {
      "Source": "manual",
      "Channel": "9003",
      "Time": 1723336020,
      "Duration": 360,
      "Title": "Manual Recording",
      "Summary": "Movie manually recorded with OliveTin for Channels",
      "Image": "",
      "Categories": ["Movie"],
      "MovieID": "manual/9003"
  "UpdatedAt": 1723335995678

It should have sent this

  "Name": "Manual Recording",
  "Time": 1723336020,
  "Duration": 360,
  "Channels": ["9003"],
  "Airing": {
      "Source": "manual",
      "Channel": "9003",
      "Time": 1723336020,
      "Duration": 360,
      "Title": "Manual Recording",
      "Summary": "Movie manually recorded with OliveTin for Channels",
      "Image": "",
      "Categories": ["Movie"],
      "MovieID": "manual/9003"

Thanks. I will compare this with my data and hopefully see where it went wrong for me.

I got it to work. I noticed thanks to the data that you posted, @chDVRuser, that I was missing SeriesID for TV shows, MovieID for movies, as well as Categories.
It makes sense, Channels didn't know what type of program the recording was so it was only showing up in Recordings and nowhere else.

All good now. :slight_smile:

I will continue with the development of my Chrome extension and I will make an announcement whenever it's ready. It will have this manual recording feature among other features. That will be useful for people who don't have OliveTin (like me).


Thank you very much, looking forward to this extension. I looked through all the OliveTin stuff and the only feature I really want is manual recordings so this will be awesome.

Still scratching my head that this basic DVR feature is not part of the channels UI. It's in almost every other DVR that I've seen, and you shouldn't have to muck around with advanced passes to do something as simple as this.

TiVo has a great interface where you can set single manual recording, repeating on certain days, only on weekends etc. That's exactly what we need because as everybody has said you can't always rely on the guide data, or you only want a certain show to record at a certain time etc.

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Agree (and voted). I previously used TiVo and asked for it to be included in Channels DVR.
After getting tired of waiting, I found a workaround.
I do a lot of workarounds to make Channels DVR work the way I want.
Have to say the devs don't mind you doing the workarounds for things they don't/won't implement.
But that's not going to work for every user that doesn't want to 'tinker' with it.

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