Missing guide data

I'm going to bump this as I can't get it to work. I'm still missing one of my PBS stations and nothing I do is getting the web interface to come up. I'm totally confused.

The CBS station was fixed in the prerelease you upgraded to earlier in the week. The PBS station is fixed in the latest prerelease.

If the web interface isn't coming up then it sounds like the DVR is not running. Did you check if it shows as running?

That's great about the stations, you all are great.

Yes, the DVR is working. I can watch recordings. I'm trying to access the interface through my phone, as I usually do.

Not sure without the URL you're trying and the error you're seeing.

Does work?

Yes it does. I went back through my history and found that what I had before that did work was 168.1.4. Does this change or is it always 1.3. Very confusing for me at least.

IPs in your house are assigned by your router. You can configure your router with a DHCP reservation so your SHIELD gets the same IP every time.

Thanks, I'll look up how to do that.

I'm bumping this as I still haven't been able to access one of my PBS stations. Any ideas?

Which station? Submit diagnostics?

WEDU. I did the first time around. Would another time help?

You need to update your dvr

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Thanks so much!

I updated. Still no luck though the PBS logo is there now instead of WEDU.

You need to refresh your guide data from the web UI

That did it. I learn more every day.