Missing the Logo network in my Channels DVR

I am missing the Logo network within my Channels DVR lineup. I have verified that Logo is still offered in TV Everywhere and thus, it should be showing up in Channels DVR. I also verified the Logo network is playing within the Philo app itself (which of course it is). I tried updating the Channels DVR app (already on the latest build). I also did a rescan of all my channels (within Channels DVR) and that didn't make any difference either.

Can someone advise how I can get the Logo network back into my Channels DVR? Thanks.

Logo was removed because it stopped working with Channels:

TVE streams and the Philo app have different sources for channels/networks; that's comparing apples and rutabagas.

Is there a way to test a TVE channel like this to determine if it has DRM outside of Channels DVR?

Inspect the stream as you access it from the webpage.

What exactly are we looking for?

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