MLB.TV for Channels

it's because there are no games for the next two days. i'll double check it on thursday but once we get past the all star break it should be fine.

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i might have come up with a way to get MLB network as a part of this container too...but it won't be seamless (at least not initially). also, just the mlb tv credentials won't be enough - you will need a TVE provider that allows access to MLB network as well.

will have more details in a bit.


so, mlb network works. here's how it'll work (it's convoluted, but it works until i figure out a way to do the TVE login myself inside the container)...

  • go to Live |
  • log in with your mlb tv account (the same one you use in the container)
  • after you do this, it'll prompt you to log in with your TVE provider
  • once you do that, you'll be able to go back to the docker container and load the MLB network feed

it seems doing that step ties your TVE account to your MLB account, which then allows your MLB account (which the docker container already authenticated) to access the MLB network feed. without that step in the middle, it'll fail when you try to load the feed.

this should be available in the next release, whenever i get a chance to put it together. hopefully today or tomorrow. also, i have no idea how long this will work...not sure if it will require you to reauthorize TVE every hour or something crazy like that. we'll play this by ear.


This is awesome! Iā€™m excited to try it out! Thanks again for all your time spent on this!


have hit a bit of a hiccup...MLB network works, but not inside channels for some reason. channels won't load the stream.

still trying to figure this out. it works if you load it in VLC, but not in channels.

is there a container of this committed we can help test with?

not yet...i'm still trying to work it out myself. i think i know what might be happening, just trying to figure out a solution.

another thing i stumbled upon while trying to work this out that will be in the next release (whenever i get mlb network worked out), i'm going to add the ability to turn on server side decryption. basically, what that means is that if you turn this on, your server will do all decryption on your own network and serve the already decrypted video and audio feed to channels (or whatever player you're using).

the reason for this is because i like to watch the radio feeds occasionally, and i like to use kodi for that because it has much more leeway in the audio delay to make sure the radio feed is synced with the video - but kodi on some android platforms has issues decrypting the video as presented from the container. if you have the container do the decryption for you, it solves that problem and kodi is able to play the feeds without issue.

the downside of course is that you have to have a fast enough server to be able to handle the requests, do the decryption, and get the feed out to the player continuously without causing buffering issues. that may not be the case for everyone who is using this, of course, so use it at your own risk.

if i can't get mlb network working within the next day or two, i'll at least push out an update with both big inning fixed and the server side decryption option.


pushed 2022.7.1 - big inning feed is fixed. a few radio guide issues also fixed.

server side encryption option also available by adding the following env var:


setting that to true will turn on local server side decryption (which means the server will send the already decrypted video to the player), setting it to false or leaving it out entirely will continue serving the feeds the way the container always has (letting your player do the decryption on the fly). turning this on will require a more powerful server as i mentioned earlier, so use it at your own risk.

still working on mlb network.


Does this mean more powerful hardware on the pc that channels server is on? Or more powerful hardware on the pc that the mlb docker is installed on? Just trying to clarify as I run the mlb docker on lesser hardware and channels runs on very powerful hardware. When you say it is normally decoded on the player, I assume that means at the client ie. atv,shield tv, ect?

the hardware that the mlb container runs on.

if you turn this on, every time you request a game feed the container will go to MLB to get the feed, pull it down locally, decrypt it, and then serve the already decrypted feed to the player. if it's turned off, all the container does is authenticate you to get the decryption key from MLB and provide the key to the player so that the player itself can do the decryption. by turning this on, you're adding a ton of extra work for the container itself to do.

to be honest, there's really no reason to use it except in situations like i mentioned, where the player you want to use has issues decrypting the feed for whatever reason. i'm not sure why that's the case with kodi (and only on certain hardware) - it works fine on my phone without this turned on, but kodi on chromecast google tv struggles with it. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. it's very strange...but with this turned on, it works every time.


I had a problem tonight with both versions 6.4 and 7.1. Some applications worked but other were getting HTTP error 403 Forbidden. Those errors went away when I enabled the new, MLB_DECRYPT_FEEDS option. Did MLB change something upstream to be more discriminating with some clients?

i haven't had any issues, other than the kodi issues i mentioned which was the whole reason for the new option...what player?

mpv worked but ffmpeg/ffplay and vlc didn't. I noticed because I normally record using mythtv and its external recorder uses those to convert HLS to TS.

@crackers8199, FYI, I just noticed one minor nit. When MLB_SHOW_RADIO_FEEDS=false, the radio broadcasts are still listed in the /epg data. I'm not sure if that's intended or not.

yeah, i left them there. they don't affect anything since the channels aren't in the playlist.

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Okey. MythTV behaves differently than Channels and creates a channel without a number when it sees the guide data. No biggie but just wanted to let you know.

didn't realize that. i'll see what I can do about removing it.

No rush. I just worked up an xmlstarlet command to remove any elements I don't want. FWIW, I tried one of the radio feeds last night. It's really neat that you can do it, but the slight a/v offset really got to me after a while.

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that's what led to the decryption option...i love getting the local radio feeds to lay over top of the video, but quite often there is a pretty bad delay. i use kodi to solve that problem, because they give you a wide range of time as to how far you can space it (i think it's 10 seconds in either direction, in .25 sec increments). tivimate works well too but you can only go 1s in either direction.

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