Hi, not sure whats happened, but all my movie trailers have stopped working. All my trailers worked correctly a couple of weeks ago. Note that these are not locally stored trailers, but trailers online. When i try to watch a trailer, i get a 'connection lost' error. See below. Thanks.
They’re not working for me on AppleTV, either. I see a quick flash of a black screen and then it goes back to the detail view.
Same here on Android with a Fire TV Stick 4K, running the latest beta app v2024.09.18.1717.
In case it helps, I've submitted app diagnostics under 87b210c5-e46f-494c-8902-b1245a8e127d shortly after attempting to play some movie trailers.
Yep, looks like they aren't working right now. We aren't sure what it'll take to fix it, but we'll look into it.
I am having this same issue! Honestly, i didnt realize how much i used this feature until it was gone!
I just updated and can confirm, at least on tvOS, that movie trailers are working again
Related thread:
I have just checked & confirm that movie trailers are now working again.
Thankyou to the people who resolved this issue
Did you have to change a setting or anything? Just went to 2024.12.18.0400 and still not getting trailers to play.
I’m also new to Channels, so I never had a trailer play for me. It doesn’t throw an error, it just opens a playback like it’s about to play and closes immediately.
Update: I went through about 30 trailers and roughly 3 or 4 did play. Other than older movies being the few that worked while new ones didn’t, I’m not really seeing a correlation?
No, however ive just built a new PC for Channels DVR to run on, then added my local moves again (as part of initial setup). Once Channels DVR did its update etc, all trailers seem to load without issue. Try removing the movies & re-adding them in "local content", see what happens. Make sure that you are using the latest version of the DVR server.
I’ll give that a try if the next pre-releases don’t fix anything. I have a decent amount of metadata that would need fixing if I reimported everything.
I’m running my server in a Mac, I wonder if that has to do with anything. You would think this is more client specific, however.
There’s no need to remove anything to get them to work. If you’re still having problems please submit diagnostics from the app after you have a failure after you make sure you’re on the latest beta for the app.
Too old now? Should I resubmit diagnostics from the client?
Thanks for the reply, Eric. I’ve never submitted diagnostics, so I’ll look that up and work on it now.
As far as beta versions, are you talking server or client? I know how to update to pre-releases for my server, but haven’t seen anything for the clients/apps before. I’m on the following versions respectively:
Server: 2024.12.1848 (Mac Mini)
iOS Client: 6.1.2
Apple TV: 6.1.2 (I think)
Oh shoot, sorry I didn’t know that. From the few I’ve tested on iOS, they seem to be working!
Mine still aren’t working. I’ve updated and everything
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