Moving channels to a new server

Thank you for this set of instructions. My Mac Mini 2018 started to give me fits this week. Odd stuff - mouse losing its ability to click and keyboard not responding on some letters. Fortunately, I was able to perform a "Save Database Backup" prior to shutting the Mac Mini down.

Had a backup boot disk on another drive and rebooted to it. This got channels running and my Mac Mini working with mouse and keyboard, but the Channels DVR was missing recent recordings. The steps to pick the correct database backup were critical to recovering all of my recordings and schedules. A BIG Thanks from me!

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Is there anyway I can get this back? I see the two recordings in my Folder but Channels fails to see it.

I was able to manually import it and I can only see it in my library but its missing all the info like description, thumbnail etc like the rest of my recordings.

when i copy the directory across the network via rsync, it's finding a lot of symlinks in comskip that it can't process. is it ok to miss these or do i need to do something else?

You can skip them.

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So I set up a new mini pc for my server going from my laptop. I copied the entire dvr folder over. Installed the server. Directed it to that folder. I finally uninstalled the server on the laptop and the AndroidTV app finally found the new server on the Mini PC. All was right with the world. My recording all showed up, my passes were intact. Everything was good.

I came home tonight and fired up the TV and now all of my recordings and passes and upcomings don't show. On the server everything shows zero. Yet I go into file manager and everything is still there.

Did I miss something? How does it go from looking completely normal to completely gone? And the dvr section in settings/basic setup is grayed out. I can't change/access where the dvr folder is.

Any ideas how to get it all back?

Did you restore your latest backup from the old computer on the new one?


You can't change the location until you disable the DVR first.


Didn't know there was a restore. Didn't think to look for it and don't know why it's so tiny tucked away at the bottom of that welcome screen. Trying to read text on a 55" screen from 9 or so feet away doesn't really lend itself to reading fine print.

Might be something they should add to where the backup option is. God damn it islanders...(sorry... They just went up 3-1)

Most apps/programs I know have backup and restore in the same section, not only on a welcome screen. Or make it more front and center as an existing user when logging in for a new setup.

Funny thing is, since it was all working properly. My passes were all there. My recordings showed up. Wouldn't have thought I needed to restore. I'm guessing it was using the info from the original setup until the app was shut down and restarted, in which it then became a blank slate.

All back to normal now. Thanks.

And devs... Highly recommend the suggestions above. A little more front and center during setup would be nice. Or at least put the restore function with the backup function on the server settings screen. Shouldn't have to manually navigate back to a home screen to get to that.

Thanks, it’s on our list. We know this should be easier. We hair that this is hidden and confusing.

Don’t attribute that which is probably explained by time crunch and priorities for that of ignorance and bad design. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I'll never doubt your crew's development skills. :blush:

It's your graphic design skills I find extremely questionable :joy:

Last time I moved to a new server, I used the guide that chDVR linked to. It didn't slap me in the face, but I did come to the forum searching for some direction before doing a fairly major operation.

I would go so far as to say that moving the server to another computer was virtually painless. There are a few things here and there at Channels DVR that seem strange once in a while for linear TV software, but this wasn't one of them for me anyways. I've had experiences with DVR software over the last couple decades that were far more complicated moving to a new machine, that's for sure.

Go Flyers!!! :ice_hockey::goal_net:

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I was just reading this thread for informational purposes only. Fortunately, I do not have any current need to replace my media server. My Synology NAS 218+ is only 9 months old, so hopefully there's a lot of life left in it before I even need to think about a replacement, or restoring the DVR storage directory to a new NAS.

But with that said, it seems it would be nice (whenever the developers may have time) to provide detailed (step by step) instructions for migration from an old server to a new one based on the various configurations and migrations users may desire.

For example, when I ultimately replace my Synology 218+ in the future, I suspect I would go with another Synology NAS. And given that Synology uses the Disk Station Manager (DSM) on all their NAS devices, wouldn't this type of migration be (just as easily solved) by using Control Panel > Update & Restore to immediately back up system configurations to a local computer or an external hard drive? In this way, a Synology user (for example) could later restore all their settings at a later date on a new Synology? Again, wouldn't it (or maybe I should say "couldn't it" be made to be that easy? I am only asking because I really don't know with media servers.

Just my thoughts here on this topic. I want to think (hope) of it as being just that simple (and similar) as I know PC Windows migrations can be. Of course, I realize a NAS is a different device versus a PC, but hoping the analogy I am using is applicable. Any insight from others is welcomed here.

Any insight from others is welcomed here.

You really need to learn to get to the point.

I only got to the second paragraph of your novel and the answer is to look at the support pages. It’s very simple.

If others got through that, I’m sure you’ll get some answers.

Yeah, I got on a roll. But reading some of the "troubles" posted by others - it would seem it wouldn't have to be that way at all. Some day, I will try the tools in Synology to see if it is similarly just as easy using the built-in back-up tools.

When I started using Channels, the Support info was spread all over the forum.
Now, they've invested the time to put that info on their website

What you're talking about is here

Channels DVR is a 3rd party Synology Package and Synology Backup/Restore does not backup the package or data. Just like an Apple device doesn't backup an app or its data.

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Thanks for sharing, chDVRuser.