Mr MC support

Anyway to get support on Mr MC on Apple tv? I know you can't sideload. They have Plex Hdhomerun /Emby/ Jellyfinn support. I paid 99¢ a while back trying to make it useful.

What is this? A show, a channel, a app?

Please provide more context and a link to what you are asking they add to channels.

Since MrMC is essentially a fork/repackaging of Kodi, you may want to check out the existing threads related to Kodi:

Last update posted was a year ago when tvos 14 was current.
No updates for tvos 15.

Looks like a Emby Jellyfin clone app.

I use Infuse on the Apple TV.

This... is see now that i try the free version. for sure, Kodi. (which i personally do not like)

It's a locked version of Kodi. NO installing from zipp files

Well if it's locked and you can't install plug-ins and PVR clients, how could it work with Channels?

The Channels developers have made a Kodi repository available to facilitate easy installs/updates of their PVR client; it's up to the MrMC developers to make it integrate now.

Does Channels have an Official PVR client?

I linked to it in my posts above. Follow the threads, maybe starting at the bottom, to find the most recent updates.

I guess no.

It is not possible to install kodi binary add-ons on Xbox or Apple TV because of how those devices are secured.

Ok. Not sure what any of that means, I just see Kodi says it supports TVOS

I've used MrMC as an alternative to Kodi on AppleTV, and the primary reason I wanted Kodi, and the reason MrMC worked for me is because MrMC included a version of this plugin:
This functionality isn't built into Kodi, it's a 3rd party addon that MrMC incorporated.So MrMC's inability to load user plugins wasn't a dealbreaker. The plugin I was most interested in was already there...
All this to say maybe the Channel devs can work with the MrMC devs like they worked with the PlayOn Cloud folks and get all these puzzle pieces working together nicely?

Just a thought. I'm loving the Channels DVR app anyway. But folks who really want MrMC have their reasons, I suppose!

This is up to the MrMC folks to add the Channels PVR client into their app. Once they do, this won't be an issue. Likewise, this is not something within Channels' control.