Multiple HDHR tuners issue with ATSC 3.0

Having a recording scheduled on an ATSC 3.0 channel - 105.1, 5.1 - the DVR tries to record in ATSC 3.0 on the first unit and when it fails with HDHomeRun: 805 All Tuners In Use, it tries ATSC 1.0 instead of switching to to the other unit.


Are you sure 105.1 is listed as an available channel on the second tuner's lineup.json

Yeah, I had to rescan both tuners yesterday as a bunch of new ATSC 3.0 channels came up.
Looking at the Recordings section of the client GUI shows I only can get 2 recordings at the same time in ATSC 3.0.

Is the channel listed as HD on both tuners? May need to update firmware

Nope, what's interesting is when all 4 tuners are in use on the first unit the ATSC 3.0 recording on the second unit starts properly.

I might need to keep two recordings always going in 1.0 to help with tuner selection :rofl:

Does it log show it it trying the second tuner at all?

Nope, just goes back to 1.0. Here is an example with all 4 tuners in use on the first unit:

2023/03/30 17:00:05.635663 [ERR] Failed to start stream on channel 105.1 via 1081XXXX: HDHomeRun: 805 All Tuners In Use
2023/03/30 17:00:05.637829 [ERR] Failed to start stream on channel 5.1 via 1081XXXX: HDHomeRun: 805 All Tuners In Use
2023/03/30 17:00:07.422914 [TNR] Opened connection to 10A22XXXX/0 for ch105.1 KPIX-TV

Okay I guess its a bug. The tuners are tried in listed priority order, so it tries the channels on the first tuner and then the next.

There is a special case for favorites, so if you favorited 105.1 it would work as expected.

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Very similar to my post below.

I'm seriously considering dropping favorites on OTA, for exactly this reason. It doesn't really make sense that favorites would be used before any of the tuner priorities. I can understand intra-tuner, but it's really not worth it, on the whole.

I have all my OTA Channels favored but I have 2 connects plus 1 ATSC 3.0 (12 Tuners) ... So I have disabled the OTA equivalent in my 2 Primes.

Prioritized this way
OTA Tuners
Prime All Channels Favored ... OTA equivalent disabled.

A simple solution to this problem could be checking which tuner HDHR used for the channel by checking the value of the X-HDHomeRun-Resource header returned. If an ATSC 3.0 tuner is used for an ATSC 1.0 program it should be treated as a soft failure and an attempt to rectify the situation should be made. Only if that fails the tuner should be used.

EDIT: Checking /status.json before connecting to the HDHR would be even better.

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