Can't Establish Secure Connection

Same thing is happening for me in Chrome. It works in Edge. I believe Chrome made some sort of security change in a recent update. I am betting that Channels needs to push an update, or perhaps there’s some kind of workaround.

EDIT: It could be this, from Google: “Chrome no longer trusting certain Symantec certificates
As previously announced, Chrome 65 will not trust certificates issued from Symantec’s Legacy PKI after December 1st, 2017, and will result in interstitials. This will only affect site operators who explicitly opted-out of the transition from Symantec’s Legacy PKI to DigiCert’s new PKI.”

I was using Safari and Mobile Safari.

You can use as a work-around. I’ve contacted our provider to see why https broke.

https is still not working. Any updates? I have been using the work-around of http

This is a known issue with our hosting provider that they are working to fix. It doesn’t really matter if you use http because it redirects to https when accessing your server.

You can also use

Are there still issues ongoing with this? I just migrated my DVR from my Mac Mini to a new Windows server. Everything is working fine except https access. I only have the option for http.

What does that mean?

Meaning I can access my DVR via over http only, not https

What happens when you try to access

Hmm it seems to have sorted itself out now. Rebooting the server and router a couple times seems to have done the trick. Thanks!

I can't access remotely :frowning:

"...Firefox detected a potential security threat and did not continue to"

Should I reboot something?

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Does the Log tab of the DVR web UI show any errors?

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TLS handshake error from 173.160.105....
TLS handshake error... remote error: xls: bad certificate

That means your certificate has expired. There should be an error earlier where it shows what happened when it tried to renew the certificate.

Scrolling back....

"...client supplied only unsupported versions..."
" cypher suite supported by both client and server..."

Another data point -- I switched my DVR from a linux box to a NVIDIA shield in the last week.

Sounds like:

Basically, send a GET request to the /auth/refresh endpoint of your DVR server, then toggle the Remote DVR off then back on.

Ok -- did that sequence and got this...

[NAT] Failed to map port using upnp: AddPortMapping: 718 ConflictInMappingEntry

Did I botch port forwarding when I switched servers!?!?

It works now -- THANK YOU!

That possible ... but if you're comfortable managing your network, it's really best to tell Channels you'll handle the port forwarding manually, and then do it yourself.

UPnP/NAT-PMP are horrible protocols with seemingly no standard implementation; every router seems to handle them slightly differently. It'd be better if they just went away.


Not to mention that many people will be exposing IP Cams to the internet without realising, with default passwords and all :joy: