NBA TV not working TV everywhere

I am receiving an error message while attempting to watch NBA TV through TV everywhere. I am using AT&T Now login credentials. The channel is showing guide data and is scanned in fine while scanning. It’s just not showing the content.

Have submitted logs.

I have Spectrum and am getting the exact same error.

Must be something they have done on there end gearing up for the start of the NBA season. Hopefully it is resolved soon.

I just wanted to follow up in this. I’m still getting the same error message as the original post. Hoping to get it resolved before preseason games start up tomorrow night. Any help would really be appreciated! Thanks

Same here. Still not working on my end either. I’ve tried everything. The work around is downloading the NBA app and using login credentials there to watch NBA TV’s live stream.

Yeah, that’s what I’ve been doing for the time being. Just stinks not being able to use the DVR though to record the games.

I am getting the same error with DirecTV login. I see the streaming provider changed so Channels will have to update that.
I can view it online at
The new streaming provider is
The new link is

Getting the same error here. With pre-season NBA mostly on this channel do we have any ETA for the resolution?

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Getting this error after he latest Pre-Release v2020.12.14.1843
2020/12/15 09:01:15.621766 [ERR] Could not start stream for TVE-DTV ch6194 NBATV: TVE: get:*!%2Fhls%2Flive%2F621994-b%2Feast%2F*~hmac=7ef6a49094d24308bca1763330e29602897d62b5ad02d5de69bae7548f59d295: 404 Not Found

I think channels will have a fix no later than tomorrow in the pre-release build.
Working with development team now.

Unfortunately this channel has switched to a streaming format which is not compatible with Channels. There is nothing we can do at this point but remove it.

What about channel 6172 NESNPLUS ?

That was already fixed a while ago AFAIK