Need Guide Data explanation

Friday night I had missing Guide Data. Here are my sources

Yes, that's a total of 16 tuners, however, the 4 CONNECTs were only added as sources on Friday - they were previously being used by BeyondTV. I finally stopped that server about a month ago and even then it was running for about a year or so without recording. The Quatros are the original tuners for Channels and are at the highest priority.

After getting all the turners' firmware updated and channels rescanned I still wasn't getting Guide data.
I finally noticed the option in each turner to Redownload Guide. They all use the same OTA Zip code.
After everything was done I went to the Guide data and under the Quatro Source I see this (and still do):

But under the last CONNECT, there IS Guide data.
When recordings started back up on Saturday morning, I noticed that it was using the first Quatro.

So, help me understand this.

  1. Since they all use the same OTA Zip, does that mean only 1 guide data gets downloaded and shared among these tuners?
  2. If that's the case, the message I see in the guide data should reflect that it's using the Guide data from another tuner, rather than give the impression that Guide data is not yet available.
  3. Finally, again, if they're sharing the guide, is there anyway to move the Guide data to the first Quatro - just for my own ease of mind?

Thanks for any insight!

Are all of your sources displaying a number of channels here? (looks like they are)

If so, and you've set a guide provider for each one you can try to delete and recreate the guide database.
Screenshot 2023-08-27 at 18-16-40 Channels Settings

Oh! Thanks, I forgot about that area. I'll have to try that once I know the server is idle.


Yea that's a bug

I am seeing that too and I noticed sometimes what is recorded is not what the guide shows ....

thanks :slight_smile: !
as for the last question, is there a way to make the guide appear under a different tuner?

Is this being looked at How can I trust if it goes to use this tuner the guide data will be accurate and not placeholders ....

It also no longer shows what provider it is using ....

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