Need help please..I have an old mac and an extended drive..can anyone help me to see if this all work?

Hi Please Help>> I have been working on this for about a day.
I have an older desktop Mac version 10.11.6 , NVIDIA GeForce 9400 256 MB, GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
and then a WD Mybook External Hide Drive 1 TB older as well. Can I use this computer and that extra space? I Have Locust and just want to record shows. any help would be appreciated. Thanks :slight_smile:

That's a pretty open question. Is there something specific you need help with? Maybe you should post what steps you've already taken and where you are stuck.

Hi.. Thank you for response..I was actually able to set it up and fix it..
But I do have one question.. on my TV I am using the fire Tv stick and the sound is delayed.. or ahead, can’t tell.. is there a way to fix this?

Which model FireTV? You could try turning off surround sound under Settings > Playback

I second tmm1's advice. I have a Firestick 4k connected to a Samsung HDTV connected to a Bose soundbar and was having noticeable out-of-sync video/audio. Since the soundbar is 2.1 channels anyway, I went into the Firestick and the Channels app settings and turned of surround sound in both places. That fixed the delay.

Fire stick is about 5 or 6 years old.. I could just get a new one..any Suggestions on a good streaming device? Thanks

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