Need Windows software recommendation for editing out commercials

Does anyone have Windows software recommendations for editing out the commercials in the MP4 files that Channels DVR records? I don't need a whole editing suite, just something simple. Hopefully one that doesn't need to re-encode.

There is Avidemux that can be used to cut without re-encoding. However, it can only cut on key frames so you cannot cut precisely on the frame that you want.
If the video recording that you are cutting happens to have key frames in the right places, this will work fine.
It's free so you have nothing to lose by trying it.

By the way, to be exact, Channels DVR produces files with the mpg extension, not mp4. Different container.
It records the video streams as is without any type of processing and most of the providers use the H.264 codec to encode their videos. This is what you will find in Channels DVR's mpg files. :slight_smile:

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I use LosslessCut because you can import an EDL file. ChannelsDVR produces that and you can edit the commercials from where the markers of the EDL file.


Thank you for mentioning LosslessCut. I looked at it at some point but now I see that they apparently implemented smart cut that re-encodes only the frames between key frames, just like VideoRedo does. Very interesting. I will give it another look. :slight_smile:

What is the location of the EDL files?

I use avidemux but thanks for mentioning lossless cut. Im gonna try it since i can import the recordings with the commericals taged.

I use MKVtoolnix and manually trim by time codes. This more tedious but I have never found any of those automated based programs that auto find and remove commercials to be accurate and reliable enough to use every time

For sure. But since using LosslessCut and using the EDL files. It get you very close and you can easily trim up from there.

Dang I didn't know about this feature. None of my MPG files are in their original recording location any more since I moved them to make space.


It appears that now that I turned on that EDL feature that the EDLs for the shows I recorded and moved to another drive now show up!

How would I use the EDL files with LosslessCut to help edit out commercials?

Thanks for mentioning losslesscut - I have been using Avidemux so I can get used to it in case Videoredo fully disappears at some point. I have gotten used to Avidmux but always love to try other products for comparison. I'd never heard of this one before.

I use this on a Mac occasionally, previously discussed here. Here’s the workflow:

I normally use lossless cut, but MCEBuddy also will use an EDL file (if it is present in the same directory as the video file) and it supports a watch folder. So, for automated editing, it works well. Of course, it is Windows only, so I have to run it remotely. But, it works fairly well, if slowly.

I've been using Avidemux, but find that I am losing subtitles when I edit the .mpg file. The editing function in Channels is not accurate enough for me. Does anyone know of a Windows editing solution that doesn't cause the loss of embedded subtitles?

See above comments: You can use MCEBuddy or use Lossless cut. Both work well on Windows and I find either to be accurate enough.

Question - are you re-encoding the file after cutting the commercials or leaving it to be just a copy of the original file as an mpeg?

If you are re-encoding are you doing it as an MKV file or MP4?

EDIT: Nevermind - I just Googled this and it looks like Avidemux doesn't keep them. I guess you could remove them with MKVToolnix (or whatever it's called) to extract them and then put them back after cutting the commercials. That seems like a lot of work though

I only want to edit out commercials. No re-encoding

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