Needing to reboot server periodically... seems to be getting worse

Hi, I mean this in the nicest way, but time for a new server. It’s old! I went from that same setup (2012 Mini and 3 drives) to a 2015 MacBook Pro 16” and a thunderbolt hard drive solution and it is nothing short of amazing comparably. 4K streaming too if you have the bandwidth.

Just a thought - Broken index? If so, a fix to re-index everything is to go into 'Spotlight' in 'System Preferences' > open up the [Privacy] tab > then drag the effected drives/folders into the 'Privacy' pane. Now close 'System Preferences' > reopen 'Spotlight' and remove the drives/folders that you have just added to the 'Privacy' pane. The mdworker and spotlight tasks will get very busy. It can take several hours to rebuild the indexes on large drives.
Alternatively if you are comfortable with 'Terminal' to re-index the whole system ('on' will take a while):
sudo mdutil -a -i off
sudo mdutil -a -i on
or to do one Volume:
sudo mdutil -i off /Volumes/TV_DiskName
sudo mdutil -i on /Volumes/TV_DiskName

Well it didn't get any older since it was running fine until just recently. I believe a few other folks in here are experiencing a problem too. I'm going to try the suggestions listed in the last few posts.

Maybe its os related?
I see posts about Mac users.... :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
We have older macs at my work that run various things that do constantly have to be rebooted every couple weeks cause they slow to a crawl.

I have run my Channels server for months with no reboots.
Channels itself restarts when i apply an update, but the computer it is on, only gets rebooted for OS updates.
Its a Intel NUC i7 running Linux Mint 19.3
It also is running Emby, and is a NAS and torr downloader.
I have not noticed any slowdown issues with high up time with my setup.
I have also had my 2 main clients, Nvidia Shield on and not rebooted for 4 or 5 months.

I was able to get that pre-release version loaded yesterday afternoon and so far so good. Seems to be responsive, and no issues with cover art missing. I'll keep an eye on it today. I added a few movies to record.

The only other thing I discovered yesterday was there was that Rsync was running via a crontab entry I setup to move new movies to another drive. It looked to be taking a lot of CPU so I killed that and removed the crontab. I haven't messed with crontab in a couple of months so that wasn't new, but just to eliminate it contributing to the problem, I removed it.

So far so good after a week. Everything is running better than ever and no rebooting. I've watched a lot of stuff, skipped ahead and back a lot, also done same while a recording is in progress. Haven't had a single hesitation or delay at all. I don't know what you did in the update, but my old 2012 Mac Mini is back to handling a heavy load. Will keep watching and report back here if any symptoms come back.

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