New build observation

Hi, was looking at the app on my Mac today. Noticed it went from 48% Ram usage to 60% out of the blue... and when looking closer at it I noticed the RAM bar was no longer all green, now there is a bit of Yellow in there. After that I noticed it auto-upgraded today to 1431 build release that came out today.

Jumping up 12% of Ram use seems fairly odd unless you added a bit of memory intensive changes, and

what the heck is that yellow on there mean? -Bill

the yellow is the channels software share of the ram being used

Does that mean for the last 6 weeks while the ram hovered at 48% channels wasn't using any ram? There wasn't any yellow on that bar on Saturday. I will reboot the Mac to see if that changes anything. Nothing else has changed. No mac updates or any app updates. I think I will look around to figure out where to turn off the channels auto updates too. -Bill

They added that to one of the pre-release versions.
Since they just released a new stable version, you got that update.

could be that it was near zero. mine hovers around 4% while indexing stuff. And MacOSX will do its own stuff in the background.

If you hover over the bars it gives you a % Pi4 only shows channels system memory (running minimal Raspbian, not the custom image)

Oooooh, interesting!


My Pi4 shows this:

Synology NAS:

Screenshot 2024-01-10 2.45.48 PM

That's interesting that you have CPU load averages. I've never seen those as anything but (3) zeros on a Win 10 server (Core i5-11400). I just figured it's broke.

I would imagine that the Channels DVR application doesn't use much memory. I wonder if the memory allocation percentage includes encoding and comskip processes.

Same here ....


Win 11. Just see standard system ram usage. As far as cpu use, I never really understood why there is 3 things for cpu usage, some Linux style, load average or something?

On my other server, running a Linux distro it shows yellow for CDVR and OS..

Not windows but with a single tve connection playing to an iOS client here are my load averages. It shows all zeros at an idle

How strange. I have never seen anything but solid zeros, under load, not under load, ever. I don't know that I really care as I can check the server directly for CPU/GPU loads.

EDIT: Oh, Linux.

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