Got it, thanks.
I'm having issues with Tailscale on my iOS device. Everything is working fine, guide is loading properly, etc. However, certain channels do not play. I just get a spinning circle on a black screen. When I click "Done", I get a message that says, "It looks like you're behind the timeline. If you exit back to the guide now, your unwatched portion will be lost." This is only happening with a few channels. They play just fine when connected to my home network.
I discovered this is happening on all 1080i channels. Any fix for this?
You guys rock!
The most likely issue is bandwidth. When using Tailscale from anywhere, you're considered to be "at home", which means you may need to change the streaming quality from original if your connection can't support the required bitrate.
I don’t think this is a bandwidth issue. I am able to watch these 1080i channels just fine via Tailscale on my iPad and Mac (using the same cellular connection). The problem is limited to 1080i channels on iOS only. The 720p and TV Everywhere channels play just fine.
The hardware encoder on the RPI can be problematic. I would guess iOS client is set at lower quality and is requesting a transcode.
That did the trick. I increased the cellular streaming quality to 8Mbps and the channels are now playing. Thanks!
My router has tailscale built in.
I enabled tailscale on the router side, not the DVR side.
Is there a way to have the iOS app point to the tailscale IP?
You can ask tailscale support or check their docs. Usually tailscale is device to device, but with the exit node settings and local access routes I think you can expose other devices like your DVR.
This was so easy to setup. Thank you.
I have a server in a data center in my tailnet acting as an exit node. Is there anyway to set the in-Channels tailscale to use that exit node?
Looking at my tailscale admin it looks like the version used on my channels server is out of date and has vulnerabilities
Any way to fix this?
Instead of using the version included with channels, run it separately on any host on your network that's up all the time. This could be the system that hosts Channels DVR.
Or channels could update the integration
They should do that and probably will.
Can you point us at the vulnerabilities you’re referring to?