NEW: DVR Server + Tailscale integration, for easier Away from Home access (Experimental)

Thanks for the responses Eric much appreciated, I’ve got an alternative work around at the moment but glad it’s just not me going crazy and doing something dumb!
Let me know if I can be of help to test this when you guys get around to it, happy to help.

Looks like the Windows issue with reconnecting is a bug in Tailscale that we will need to figure out how to fix or work around.

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This should fix the Windows auto-login issue.


I just started with T-Mobile, Will tailscale work with Western digital?

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Are you talking about a Western Digital NAS -- or what exactly?

One of the great things about Tailscale is that it is unaffected by multiple layers of NAT (Network Address Translation), which includes things like the CGNAT use by most cellular providers.

If you are talking about a WD NAS, basically anything that runs Windows, macOS, or Linux can run Tailscale. In addition, Tailscale is available in various app stores for install on phones and tablets. Though not totally mandatory, Tailscale is at its best when run directly on the device.

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Just to follow up on this should anyone have issues with using Tailscale for Subnet routing. I had an issue on my tailnet, where another Exit-Node was advertising the exact same routes so clearly were clashing. Once I turned that off everything working as expected.

@Eric thanks for the help troubleshooting

I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I'm currently using Internet Provider GoNetSpeed which uses CGNAT.

Found this option to use Tailscale remotely.
I have it enabled but I still cannot access remotely. I even installed the APP on my Shield and its the same.
I have tried the and I have tried just using both IP addresses given by Tailscale.


Install Tailscale on the dvr server machine (or enable the option on the dvr settings page at the bottom). Install Tailscale on the client device. To connect, on the client app choose “at home” then enter the tail net ip to your server. That’s it.

You will also no longer be able to use to reach your server because of the cgnat. To reach your server while remote you would enable Tailscale on the device you are using and use the tail net ip to get to the server. Ie

I was hoping for simple. Thank you it works now.


Is it possible to add a "Tailscale" option in the client connect menu that will auto discover the server?


What url address do I use to access my remote dvr, through tailscape, using a web browser?

The tailnet IP of your Channels DVR server.
For example, if the tailnet IP is and your Channels DVR server is on port 8089
if Tailscale is running on your server (and not the built-in Channels DVR Tailscale)
if using the built-in Channels DVR Tailscale

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Thanks for the quick response. I tried both and neither worked. I received a server not responding error.

Both your server and the machine your trying to access the server with must have Tailscale installed. Did you do this? Try installing the mobile app on your phone and see if you can reach your server from that.

And both have to be connected to your tailnet.

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Oh, that might be the problem. I have an LG TV and I am using TV's browser. The TV does not have tailscale installed.

Will this tailscale feature allow my Apple TV to access the channels server on my LAN from inside my home and a remote channels server on the other side of the world? ie can I easily toggle between these two servers inside of the app, and not have to manually input the IP each time? If so, that is amazing and I've been wanting that feature forever.

Easy toggle without entering an IP, no...

But, you can do something that's probably better, which is to have your two DVRs on the same Tailnet.

Doing it this way, you can add channels from one DVR onto the other, and vice versa. Using Tailscale to connect at the server level allows you to record remote channels locally, and view them from any client without changing DVRs.

The remote server gets added by M3U as an additional source. Then whatever remote channels you want can be added to your local guide.

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Edit read the post wrong