New to channels - Manual Recording possible?

Totally agree definitely a feature that Channels DVR is lacking and other DVRs have this feature built in. Channels DVR was at one time the best DVR but I seem to be using it less and less now. It has become to gimmicky.


what are u using instead that's better?

If all you need is a Straight DVR SageTV is much better as everything Including Manual Recordings and advance recording are all done through the UI Clients not the Web Page.

Maunal Recordings on any Client ....

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DVR? Heck this has been a basic feature of every video recording system dating back 40+ years, even betamax recorders you could do it. Scheduled start time/end time/channel. Basic feature. If it had a clock, it could be done.


will this work remotely on my iphone?

No. Sorry. :frowning:

If you get an app that lets you remote into your PC, sure.

I have the channels iPhone app