No Audio When Using VLC to Play Copied Channels Recordings

I have a recorded show I want to save, and edit out the commercials from. I copied the the recording from the Channels DVR location, to my desktop, but when I go to play it using VLC, the video plays fine, but I get no audio.

Is there a way to save a copy of a Channels DVR recording someplace outside of Channels and play it with VLC so I get both audio & video when it plays?

It should work fine.

Please provide more information about this video.

  1. What was the source of the recording?
  2. What are the codecs? Use View Details to see this and paste it in here.

The recorded video is an OTA recording using the HDHomerun connected to Channels DVR. Video plays fine in Channels, but after copying the MPEG file from the Channels DVR folder on my NAS to my desktop, I get no audio when playing it back using VLC.

Here is the codec info I found using VLC.

Show details from your Channels DVR Server web admin. VLC isn’t showing the audio track because it can’t see it, as you said.

This appears to be an ATSC 3.0 recording. It has the AC4 audio codec, which VLC doesn’t support.

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One of my two HDHomerun devices is a Quatro so maybe it recorded from that tuner even though the Flex is listed first. I also thought I disabled the ATSC 3.0 channels from the Quatro, but when I checked, they weren't disabled.

What details do you wand from Channels DVR server, and where do I get it?

Dvr web ui > library > tvshows/movies > pick the problem show > hit gear next to show > view details. Post screenshot of the details

It must have used one of the ATSC 3.0 tuners to record the episode.

Just disabled the ATSC 3.0 tuners on the Quartro source in Channels

I don’t really need the info anymore. It’s clear what’s happening. I explained what the issue was in my last post.

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ATSC 3.0 recording is AC4 audio. (as opposed to AC3 used in ATSC 1.0)

Software players do not yet natively support AC4 audio. ( u can find custom or forks of certain players that can though, MPC-HC/MPC-BE/MPV, some codec packs with bundled players) but these are not recommended for average users.

Simple solution, disable the ATSC 3.0 HDHR stations, and record the 1.0 stations. Those will then be MEPG2 video with AC3 audio, which will play back in VLC or most any other player.

More advanced solution, remux the DVR recording .mpg file to.mkv, converting the AC4 audio to AC3. (this is what i do)
I explain how to here.

Thanks for the info. ATSC 3.0 recordings play back fine when played back in Channels, but what I want to do is take the ATSC 3.0 recording, and play it outside of Channels. I'm finding that there are no players out there that can play the AC4 audio. I tried to find a tool/utility that will take an ATSC 3.0 video file with AC4 audio, and recode it to an MKV file with AC3 audio.

For the record, I've disabled the ATSC 3.0 tuners in my Quatro so Channels doesn't use them so I can avoid this problem in the future.