No Closed Captions while watching a recording using website and iPad

Last night, I used my iPad to access my DVR server using safari to watch the latest episode of the Flash. I turned on CC, but it would not show them. I tried both the Auto setting and the Unknown setting and neither would produce the captions.

This is a known issue. What kind of computer/NAS is your DVR running on?

Windows 10

I am also seeing this behavior. Or when viewing live transcoded feed.

iPhone App: 2.2.12
iOS: 12.1.4
DVR Server: 2019.02.27.0357
MacOS: 10.14.3

Are you use hardware transcoding? IIRC, closed captions are not passed through the video stream when using hardware transcoding; however, software transcoding does preserve closed captions.

Yes I am. Thanks.
