Not able to navigate to a show after search when there is just one matched show

On my Apple TV when I search for "Washington week", for example, I get a single search result and am unable to navigate to the found TV show. When I search for say "CBS" with multiple matching results, I am able to navigate with the click pad to any of the found shows and then click that show to proceed to the show to make a pass etc...

Interestingly if I click the back "<" remote button and then reselect "Search" I AM able to navigate to and select the single show AOK.

I noticed this too recently. We'll take a look at it.

Glad to know you reproduced the problem that I wasn't sure I explained clearly. This bug is particularly nasty because the user can see what they want but can't point and go.

When fixed, please update this post and note the bug fix on the Version History page at Channels — Version History ... which I failed to consult before making this post.

This has been resolved in the latest TestFlight beta: