OliveTin for Channels: An Interface for Misc Channels DVR Scripts & Tricks

Excellent! :clap:
Working Great.
Will be testing with having it delete some test jobs later.

config.yaml for "CDVR Guide Event Reminder via Apprise" has a couple minor issues
check_extra description typo "Adds x seconds to DVR job match window, in addtion to"
check_extra choices title/value mismatch for title 20/value 30


Thanks. Heads-up on job delete -- it's not working if there are multiple job matches. Fine with single matches. Working on a fix now...



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Could we have Modulo 60 instead of Modulo 100 ?
.duration is 3670 for 61 minute episode with 10 seconds pre-pad
3670 % 100 = 70
3670 % 60 = 10

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Sweet! I missed that originally. Coming right up...

Can you also log what scheduled jobs get deleted.
They don't appear in Channels DVR log or your log, so just in case one or more are deleted because we forgot we had this running as a background task and add 10 or 30 seconds padding to an actual recording we wanted...

Scratch that. You already do log it.
Problem I had was although I have set PERSISTENT_LOGS=true, It deleted the when I ran the action to change parameters and only showed the entry

Killing script/sleep with PIDs 1136/1151 for

The previous history is gone.

I modified the logging slightly, to output each job delete individually, including its ID.

I was overwriting the logfile after a kill, but now changed it to append, so the log should be persistent now (for those few :slight_smile: that know about PERSISTENT_LOGS).

I'll push an update shortly...

@chDVRuser Done.


Perhaps you can add that setting back to your recommended compose/env vars

Done. I'll post the updated versions in the usual threads tomorrow.

I thought I was going crazy as I wasn't getting any notifications until the recent update. Works nicely now

Thanks to @chDVRuser. Somehow all my "random" tests worked with Modulo 100, but Modulo 60 is the one to use when dealing with the clock.

Done kicking the tires and set it to not delete recordings for now.
This will check every ten minutes and notify you 2-12 minutes in advance
[check_extra to frequency + check_extra]

(depends on what time you start the action and what time a recording starts)

15:29:50 scheduled recording starts
 - 12:00 check every 10 minutes looking 12 minutes ahead
15:17:50 it can first see 15:29:50 recording
15:07:49-15:19:49 Start action and checking
15:17:49-15:29:49 checking
15:17:50 it can first see 15:29:50 recording
15:27:49-15:39:49 checking, finds 15:29:50 recording and notifies 2 minutes in advance
15:37:49-15:49:49 checking
14:57:50-15:09:50 Start action and checking
15:07:50-15:19:50 checking
15:17:50 it can first see 15:29:50 recording
15:17:50-15:29:50 checking, finds 15:29:50 recording and notifies 12 minutes in advance
15:27:50-15:39:50 checking
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I'm interested in opinions on changing the Remind Action from a 10 or 30 second padding to trigger only a reminder, to using each for a unique purpose.

Ideas would include:

  • Using a 10 second padding to generate a notification with a job delete, and 30 seconds for no job delete.

  • Using a 30 second padding to generate a notification, and then change the channel to the notified event at its start time (though multiple concurrent reminders would be a complication).

  • The last idea, as you might imagine, is to leave things as they are.

Personally, I use 30 second padding for a lot of normal scheduled recordings, so I won't upvote that one. I double checked before I started using this action that I didn't already have any with 10 second padding.

What about using 40 second padding for job delete and 10 second padding for no job delete?
10s pre-pad + 30s post-pad = 40 second padding
30s pre-pad + 10s post-pad = 40 second padding
Seems safer, in that I doubt many users have that combination of padding.

I post-pad some pass recordings 30 or 60 seconds, but rarely ever pre-pad them.

I think no matter what you decide on, to be on the safe side, we should still have a toggle to allow/disallow deleting jobs.


New bnhf/olivetin:latest (aka bnhf/olivetin:2025.03.05) pushed this morning with enhancements to the CDVR Guide Event Reminder Action. More details here:

has a docker been created for this?

Event reminders sound like this action could be helpful in some way. I have all of my recordings padded by 30 secs before, and 30 secs after. I'm a little slow in understanding how these notifications might be used. Especially, why would I want to delete a recording job right after receiving a notification. Can you offer an example? :woozy_face:

Yes. OliveTin-for-Channels is a Docker/Portainer project. Both are required to use it.

Reminders are in many ways an alternative to recording. In my case for example, I prefer to watch my sports live. So using this Action, I'll set up a DVR job, but not so much with the intention to record -- but rather to be reminded about an event (or movie, or TV show) I want to view as it's being broadcast.

You can create a recording as well if you like, but the primary appeal will be for those that want to watch live. Taking it to the next level, the reminder can be set up to change the channel for you as well. During the NCCA tournaments and the majors in tennis, I'll use reminders for just about everything with automatic channel changes.

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