OliveTin for Channels - cannot access static file server

No firewall.

FYI. I have a web server running on port 80 on the nas and I can reach it without any issue.

That's showing a different IP address of for olivetin and for the static file server

That looks correct to me. When you put two containers in the same stack, they'll be on the same randomly assigned Docker subnet -- but on different IPs.

Then possibly a port conflict with 8080?
I forget why, but I had to change mine from 8080 to 8088 on my Synology.

@cyoungers This is a good suggestion. 8080 is often used, and may be reserved in a non-standard way by Synology.

Did you change the URL you were testing accordingly?

Yes sir.

What do your Portainer Networks look like?

If you click on a Name, it will show you the containers on that network.

Mystery to me. Working fine here on my Synology.
Are you sure you don't have any Firewall rules enabled?
Control Panel > Security > Firewall

Nope. So weird. Like I said before, I can reach the Apache web server running on port 80.

Try enabling debug for the static file server so it logs to the container log

      - DEBUG=true
    image: halverneus/static-file-server:latest
    container_name: static-file-server
    dns_search: ${DOMAIN}
      - ${HOST_SFS_PORT}:8080
      - DEBUG=true
      - FOLDER=${FOLDER}
      - ${HOST_DIR}/olivetin/data:${FOLDER}
    restart: unless-stopped

Not sure what this means, but here is the output of the SFS log.

Using the following configuration:
cors: false
debug: true

folder: /web
host: ""
port: 8080
allow-index: true
show-listing: true

tls-cert: ""
tls-key: ""
tls-min-vers: ""
url-prefix: ""
referrers: []
access-key: ""

What does it log when you try to access it and get the 403 error?

2025/01/01 18:37:21 REQ from '': GET HTTP/1.1 -> /web/

Edit: Sorry, here is a request fro the actual m3u file.

2025/01/01 18:39:19 REQ from '': GET HTTP/1.1 -> /web/

I don't know what the issue is. I have to assume the static file server is giving you the 403 error.
You could verify that using the developer tools network inspector in your browser when you try to access it.

Going to move this conversation to a new topic.

Here's something to try.
I found running docker containers on a Synology causes permission issues, unless you select this shared folder /volume1/docker for persistent docker container data.
In your OliveTin for Channels Portainer stack environment variables, change HOST_DIR=/volume1/data to HOST_DIR=/volume1/docker and see if that fixes it.

I changed the stack env to HOST_DIR=/volume1/docker but I knew the stack would fail to deploy because none of my olivetin stuff exists in that path. So I copied the entire /volume1/data/olivetin directory over to /volume1/docker/olivetin.

Success! I can now see the m3u in the browser.

Now I have to see if I need to adjust the env variables for the other stacks that have put stuff in the /volume1/data path. Maybe it makes no difference to the other stacks but I'm going to need to check that out. I remember having a bunch of trouble deploying Stream Link Manager and maybe this persistent docker container data issue was causing problems.

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