Orlando All DRM

It appears Apple TV’S lack of DRM support for ATSC 3.0 is a roadblock for SD HDFX gateways that many of us use. I would hope the DEV’S can provide guidance since almost all ATSC 3.0 is DRM encrypted.

Yup its a shame. Roll something out that doesn't have paths forward for all. Gotta love that they are doing it with our public airwaves.

Don't blame Apple. Blame the A3SA for adopting a proprietary DRM encryption standard.


I know station/group ownership is struggling to find profits with massive competition from streaming and lower ratings. The two ATSC 3 coalitions are both tasked with finding return on huge investments. When this started Starlink didn’t exist. Compression was still supporting MPEG 2. The landscape has changed.

Still, vendors such as Silicon Dust and Channels need to look at the future and share the view with the community.

Same situation in Tampa, all the ATSC 3.0 stations have turned on DRM.

Click through to the following posts for context:

CDVR status

SD status

I'll just add that I can't imagine A3SA allowing SD to make DRMed content available to Channels DVR. Assuming SD is able to proceed, they will likely be limited to only their own tuners, attached storage, and client apps in a secure closed network.

Has very little to do with Apple TV.

There is no solution for streaming DRM'ed ATSC3 content to ANY normal client device. The only solution that does something similar now is the ZapperBox, but it's only their tuner to their client.

Supposedly, an ADTH USB add-on to Google TV devices is coming soon, but hasn't shown up.

There are others, but to your point they're all closed secure hardware systems.

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The other 2 don't stream between multiple units, which was my statement.

I wonder if anyone has tried AH4C, Android HDMI for Channels with a ATSC 3.0 set top box. It looks like they are Android boxes. Might be a work around for those that must use ATSC 3.0.

It's been tried. It doesn't work, because these crappy ATSC3 boxes are cut down to the bare bones, and the apps in question don't take commands.

There is a sliver of hope that the hopefully forthcoming ADTH USB dongle , with a "real" Google TV client, might offer relief here.

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Sorry. Good point, thanks.

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