Parse Error Help

brand new to this and I'm getting the blow error.... any advice would be helpful!

parse error: expected string near offset 4627 of 'partitionKey'

Where are you getting this error?
What were you doing when you got this error?

You’ll need to provide more information.

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It's the "Sign in with your cable provider to access the TV networks you're subscribed to" part.

I'm trying to set up my source and when I try my login info for DIRECTV it kicked back that error to me and I'm not sure what to do beyond that.

Update Channels DVR to the latest Pre-Release version and try again

I don't understand what you mean... I'm using my mac.

On the DVR web UI, select Settings > Status > Version > Check For Update > Check for Pre-Release

It's doing something now... says Verifying access to channel _______. Hopefully I'm on the right track!

Yes, if you're using TVE as a source, you'll want to keep it updated to the latest Pre-Release version.
You can view the Pre-Release notes here

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