Pass is skipping 10PM Local News on Saturdays

The Pass for local news (on KSDK 5) at 10:00PM skips Saturdays. Sunday through Friday is recorded but only Saturday is skipped. Changing the Pass schedule from New to All fixes the problem. It's fine as a workaround but I didn't intend to record the rebroadcast of the news at 2.5 hours later. I only keep the last 3 recordings (6 including the rebroadcasts) so it's just annoyance at this point.
This is KSDK Channel 5 in St. Louis.

You have found out the hard way that you can't rely on the NEW tag. :wink: So it's a good thing you removed it. Now need to deal with reruns.

Open your pass in advanced mode on the server web UI, and add this condition:

Time CONTAINS 10pm

That should do it. :slightly_smiling_face:

It should look similar to this (minus the "Wednesday"):

@mjitkop suggestion above should work well.

Additionally the cause is Gracenote is not showing the Saturday episode as “New”.

You can report this to zap2it to hopefully change it in Gracenote. Zap2it Link

I would also suggest emailing the station directly and explain the episode is not labeled correctly causing your dvr to miss the episode.


If the repeat broadcast has the same episode ID as the original, it should not record the repeat.

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The repeat broadcast gets recorded but only because I changed the Pass to "All Episodes". That's just a workaround for Saturday's broadcast not labelled as "New" by Gracenote. Please see Rice's reply.

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That's a good point but I don't think news programs have episode IDs.

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This would give you the 10:00 PM airings Sunday - Saturday

The daily 10pm airings are SeriesID 15200376

Thanks, chDVRuser,
I am confirming this works (Advanced Pass with conditions) and is marked as the Solution.

For people jumping in the middle of this thread, here's a reference.

Advanced Passes: Multiple CONTAINS/EXCLUDES (prerelease)